Sakura vs Rio

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As Tazawa made his way to his locker room in the back, he noticed Sakura preparing for her match against Rio. He would have to admit that Sakura had guts for challenging Rio to a match but also began to feel concerned for her since idols weren't exactly wrestling material.

"I don't know if she's making the right move by challenging that other chick to a match. But at least she's got the guts to even think about doing such a thing in the first place." Tazawa thought to himself as he put a towel around his neck due to how much of a sweat he worked up during his match with Kurea earlier.

As Sakura continued warming up for her match, Tazawa made his way towards her which would cause the black haired girl to turn her attention over to him as she stood up. "Hello there. Can I help you with anything?" Sakura asked him in her usual tone of voice.

"I just thought I would introduce myself. The name's Tazawa Takafumi. It's a pleasure to meet you." Tazawa said, holding out his hand for Sakura to shake.

"Sakura Hagiwara. It's a pleasure to meet you as well Tazawa." Sakura replied as she shook Tazawa's hand.

"Might I ask what a lovely idol like yourself is doing here at the arena?" Tazawa asked with curiosity in his voice.

Sakura showed a small blush upon being called lovely but had managed to hide it as she began to speak. "I'm here to teach that lady who hurt my friend a lesson. I'm here to defend the honor of sweet diva!" She said with determination.

"I admire your determination, I really do. But you realize that she's a pro wrestler right? I mean, this whole thing is her specialty." Tazawa said as Sakura nodded her head to the question.

"I know that. But I can't just let her insult idols! And besides, I can't back down now." Sakura said before getting ready to head to the entrance to the ring.

"Well, just know that I wish you good luck. And hey, whether you win or lose, you've had my respect ever since you challenged her." Tazawa said.

Sakura showed a small smile and gave Tazawa a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." She said before heading to the ring, leaving Tazawa with a blush across his face as he rubbed his cheek.

As Sakura entered the ring, she saw that Rio was in another corner as the two stared each other down. Once the bell rang, Sakura would run at Rio with full speed before attacking with a knee to the midsection, causing Rio to stumble a bit in surprise, allowing Sakura to follow up with a suplex before hitting her with a dropkick that sent Rio into the corner. Sakura would then hit Rio with a few kicks as the crowd began to cheer for her.

"I've got this." Sakura thought to herself before seeing Rio recover pretty quickly.

"What a shame. Looks like you're all talk. Now it's my turn. Better brace yourself!" Rio said before attacking with a knee to Sakura's midsection, causing Sakura to gasp in surprise. "Oh we're not done yet!" Rio said before grabbing Sakura and slamming her down onto the mat.

Rio would then grab Sakura's leg before placing her in a single leg Boston crab submission hold as Sakura whimpered in pain. Rio would place Sakura in a few more painful submission holds before putting her in one that was both humiliating and painful at the same time.

 Rio would place Sakura in a few more painful submission holds before putting her in one that was both humiliating and painful at the same time

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"There you go! Now show off to all of your little fans out there!" Rio said as she applied pressure to the hold. Sakura began to whimper in pain even more before Rio had finally released the hold.

"Do you finally realize how weak you are? How foolish you were to challenge me? Just throw in the towel and give up already!" Rio said as Sakura refused to do so.

"No! I'll never give up. I didn't come here to lose!" Sakura said.

"I see. I will admit that you've got conviction, even if you don't have any goddamn sense. However, I've got my own ways to make you submit!" Rio said as he placed Sakura in a sleeper hold.

Rio applied more pressure to the hold as Sakura desperately tried to fight out of it, the crowd cheering her name. Sakura could feel her consciousness beginning to fade as Rio continued to apply the pressure. Sakura would then go completely unconscious as she laid on the mat out cold. As she laid there on the mat, she could hear a voice that sounded familiar. "Sakura! Sakura, please answer me!" Elena said as Sakura came back to her senses.

"You okay?" Elena asked in concern for her friend. "I-I lost the match Elena." Sakura said as Rio's hand was raised in victory.

"I blacked out. I let everybody down." Sakura said as Elena shook her head. "Don't say that." She said. "I thought I could do it Elena." Sakura said as Rio picked up the microphone.

"Alright princess, it's time to live up to your end up of deal." Rio said as Elena looked at her in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?" Elena asked.

"I told you. Cabellera contra Cabellera. We might walk out of this with our lives but only one of us will walk out with our hair. And since your the loser here you know what that means." Rio said as she held a pair of scissors in her hand, causing Sakura to gasp in shock.

"But a-an idol's image is everything. She can't chop off her hair over something stupid like this." Elena said.

"Stupid is it? You idols act tough but pussy out in the end huh?" Rio asked before noticing Sakura beginning to stand up.

"I lost the match fair and square." Sakura said as Elena tried to stop her. "Sakura no!" Elena said.

"I was the one who challenged you. Whatever the rules of the match are, I have no right to complain." Sakura said as Rio showed a small smirk.

"That's more like it. Show some backbone." Rio said as Sakura sat down in a chair, allowing Rio to cut her hair.

Once she was done, Rio placed the scissors down on the mat. "Now beat it. In the future, just stick to your tweety pop crap and leave the ass kicking to us real women okay?" Rio said.

As Rio was about to leave the ring, Sakura stood up and faced her. "Say what you want about me, but I won't let anyone insult Sweet Diva! Fight me! I demand a rematch!" Sakura said.

"Are you really that stupid? I kicked your ass bad enough already. I'm not gonna waste my time fighting amateurs because of some petty grudge." Rio said.

"Then what if I wasn't an amateur? I'll go pro if that's what it takes. And as a pro wrestler I'll challenge you and win!" Sakura said.

"Well Well, looks like things are finally starting to get interesting." Rio said in a smug tone of voice as Sakura had a look of determination in her eyes now.

Tazawa had watched the whole thing backstage and upon hearing that Sakura had now decided to become a pro wrestler. "You know what, she just might have what it takes." He thought to himself.

And now, this is where things truly get interesting.

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