The Night before the decisive fight! part 2

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Upon seeing her friend Elena approach her, Sakura couldn't honestly believe just how long it's been since the two have seen each other.

"It really has been a long time, hasn't it? Sorry to show up at such a weird time. I didn't want to bother you." Elena told Sakura.

"You were never a bother to me. I saw the National Vote. You're the center now, huh? Congrats, I'm really proud of you!" Sakura said.

"Thanks, but it's just because you're away, so to be honest, I can't help but feel unenthusiastic about it. It's just that when you're not there, something's off. I feel it, we all feel it." Elena said which made Sakura feel a bit guilty.

"Hey Elena, my fight with Kazama is lined up." Sakura told her.

"So it's finally here. Once it's over, you can come back, right? To Sweet Diva?" Elena asked.

"Uh, yeah. But I'm worried, can I make it a good fight? Can I win against Kazama? I know that there's no time to be at a loss. If I have time to even feel that way, I should be training, even if it's just for a bit." Sakura answered.

"At times like that, dancing is the answer! As though no one is watching, like back then!" Elena said, beginning to dance as this started cheer up Sakura and she would join in.

As the two friends began to dance with one another, it was as if all of Sakura's worries had washed away at the moment and she had remembered just how fun it was to dance. "This is so fun--I'd forgotten!" She exclaimed in a joy filled tone of voice.

"Always sing with all your might, dance with all your might! That's what we're all about right?" Elena asked as Sakura nodded her head in response.

"Thanks, Elena." Sakura said with a small smile on her face as Elena noticed this.

"Sakura, it's so much better when you're smiling. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble...If only I hadn't gotten into it with Kazama, then you never would have had to do all of this pro wrestling stuff. You wouldn't have had to get beat up and endure these tough training sessions all alone..." Elena said, clearly feeling guilty over this.

"It's not your fault, Elena! I...I decided to become a pro wrestler in order to challenge myself! I mean, look at me, I left you to take care of Sweet Diva all by yourself..." Sakura told her as Elena was moved by her words.

"Oh, Sakura...We were thinking the same thing weren't we?" Elena said in a gentle tone of voice.

"Elena, I'm gonna give it my all in this next match, and fight so there'll be no regrets." Sakura said with determination in her voice.

"All right, I'll be there to cheer you on for sure." Elena said.

"You can count me in on that as well." Said a familiar voice as both Sakura and Elena turned to see who it was.

The figure then revealed himself to be none other than Tazawa, who was also training to prepare for a big match just like Sakura.

"Oh, Tazawa! It's good to see you." Sakura said with a smile on her face.

"Same to you." Tazawa replied.

"Hold on a moment, you're the guy I've been seeing on TV. You're currently undefeated at the moment. I have to admit that I'm a fan of yours." Elena said before getting a good look at him. "And I must say, you are quite handsome indeed. Tell me, are you and Sakura by any each other?" She asked which caused Sakura to blush red like a tomato.

"E-Elena!" Sakura said in an embarrassed tone as Tazawa let out a light-hearted chuckle. "No, we're not. Although I most certainly wouldn't mind going out on a date with her." He remarked as this made Sakura even more embarrassed.

"Please don't say such things! My heart can only handle so much!" She told them before feeling an arm wrap around her shoulder.

"But seriously, don't let the anxiety of your match with Rio get to you. Just prepare as best as you can and take the fight to her with all you've got! I've no doubt in my mind that you'll win!" He said to her with a thumbs up and an encouraging smile as Sakura now felt even more motivated and determined to beat Kazama.

Some time later back at the berserk gym, Sakura continued her training to prepare for her upcoming match against Rio as Tazawa did the same for his upcoming match as well. The two trained intensely to prepare but would also help each other out with training as they had become friends so quickly in a short matter of time.

As the days went by, both Sakura and Tazawa would continue training together and even began to do sparring sessions with one another to push the other past their limit and help them improve on areas in which they may have been lacking. And their training would also include endurance training as they often jogged together for some miles until they felt that they were beginning to improve on their stamina.

As the match for Sakura and Rio was announced at the press conference the very next day, Tazawa also had a match announced that he would be participating in and he would be facing off against Misaki Toyoda. Once news of this reached him, he knew that he would have to bring his A-game to the match if he wanted to emerge the victor. But he would also remain cautious and plan out his tactics for the match as he knew that Misaki was a veteran pro wrestler and would take him to the limit.

And then the day would finally come as the match between both Sakura and Rio was beginning to take the place as the fans were all hyped. Sakura would be the first to make her entrance as the crowd began to cheer for her and chant her name in unison. Rio would make her entrance soon after as she looked forward to the ring. "All right, time for the hunt." She said as she headed towards the ring in her traditional entrance gear.

Once she entered the ring, both her and Sakura stared each other down as neither wanted to lose this match. The crowd continued to cheer in a frenzy as Tazawa watched the match from backstage on the tv monitor along with the rest of the roster as he knew that this was going to be an intense battle from start to finish.

(And done with this chapter! Apologies for the long wait but I managed to come through with a new one in the end!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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