The Rematch

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While Tazawa continued his training with Inazuma, he saw Kurea make her way towards him and he stopped his training to see what she had wanted. "Need something? You're not still upset about me beating you in my debut match are you?" He asked in a witty tone.

Kurea glared daggers at him as she crossed her arms. "Very funny. Anyway, just to let you know, you and I have a rematch. This time I'm gonna be even more aggressive than last time." Kurea said. She then grabbed him by the shirt and looked him in the eyes. "You'd better be ready to take some punishment." She said before letting him go.

Tazawa then let out a small huff before looking over to his mentor. "I won't lie, she's kinda cute when she acts all tough and aggressive." He said before going back to his training. After a few more minutes of training, Tazawa then finished and grabbed a bottle of water as he took a drink from it. He then turned his attention over to Sakura, who was also training. She seemed to be doing squats and push-ups as part of her training.

"I thought she would have given up after that last match. Seems like she's got some more fight in her than I thought she did." Tazawa thought in his head.

As the day continued, all of the wrestlers were getting ready for another show as fans were waiting outside of the arena. Tazawa got dressed into his wrestling attire and was warming up to prepare for his rematch against Kurea. Once he was through warming up, he could hear the fans in the arena. He waited until Kurea made her entrance so that he could make his.

The fans began to chant his name as he made his way to the entrance way. As his theme song began to play, he walked out towards the ring and the crowd began to cheer for him. He then got onto the ring apron and jumped over the top rope, landing in the ring on both feet. As he stood in one corner, he focused his attention on Kurea who was standing in another corner.

As he entered the ring and stood in his corner, the bell then rang as the match went underway. The two began to lock up as Tazawa put Kurea in a headlock. Kurea would then send him into the ropes only to met with a clothesline as she fell to the ground. Tazawa then rebounded off the ropes and attempted another clothesline but was met with a clothesline from Kurea. Kurea then grabbed Tazawa by the head and had him in a headlock while keeping him on the mat.

Tazawa then began to leverage his way around the mat to try and escape the headlock and eventually did as he trapped Kurea in a headlock of his own. Kurea would then get up while still being trapped in the headlock and send Tazawa into the corner. As she ran towards him, Tazawa moved out of the way which would cause Kurea to crash into the corner. Kurea then stumbled back a bit and was soon hit by a dropkick to the back from Tazawa as she got sent crashing into the corner again before falling down on the mat.

Tazawa then went for the pin as the ref began to count. "1....2....!" The ref then stopped counting as Kurea kicked out of the pin. Tazawa then got Kurea up on her feet as he began to hit her with precise kicks to her legs before attempting to hit her with a high kick. Kurea would then counter this as she spun Tazawa around before hitting him with a clothesline. Tazawa then fell to the mat as Kurea rebounded off the ropes and hit him with a running leg drop before going for the pin.

"1....2....!" The ref then stopped the count as Tazawa kicked out of the pin. Kurea then grabbed Tazawa by the hair as she got him up on his feet. She then hit him with a knee to the gut before sending him towards the ropes and hitting him with a scoop powerslam. Tazawa would then groan in pain before trying to get up. Kurea then kicked him in the back a few times to keep him down before going for a camel clutch submission.

Tazawa began to yell in pain as Kurea began to apply more pressure. Inazuma then began to try and encourage Tazawa by getting the crowd to chant his name. The crowd began to chant his name to encourage him to not give up as Tazawa began to use the strength he could muster to get up to his feet while Kurea was holding on. Tazawa then backed into the corner to get Kurea to release the hold before hitting her with an enzuigiri.

Tazawa then moved Kurea up to the top rope and then prepared to hit her with a superplex. He then successfully did so and went for the pin. 1....2....!" The ref then stopped as Kurea's foot was on the rope. Tazawa then got ready to end the match as he was about to hit Kurea with his finisher.

As Kurea got to her feet, Tazawa hit her with a kick to the mid section before lifting her up onto his shoulders. He then went for the dragon's breath but Kurea would reverse the move and kick Tazawa in the mid section before picking him up and hitting him with a powerbomb. The ref then began to count but stopped at 2 as Tazawa managed to kick out.

Kurea attempted to hit Tazawa with another powerbomb and successfully did so as the ref began to count again, only for Tazawa to kick out once more.

Kurea then got frustrated as she got Tazawa up and attempted to hit him with a piledriver only for Tazawa to reverse it into a roll up pin. Tazawa then grabbed the ropes but made sure to stay out of the referee's sight while doing so. "1....2....3!" The ref then signaled for the bell to ring as Tazawa rolled out of the ring.

The crowed began to cheer for Tazawa as Kurea was left in shock after being beaten by Tazawa once again. The ref then got out of the ring and raised Tazawa's arm in victory.

Tazawa then grabbed a mic and began to speak. "Hey Kurea, looks like I got you twice now. Maybe next time it'll be a third victory for me." He said in a taunting tone as the crowd cheered for him again while Tazawa made his way to the back along with Inazuma, leaving a frustrated Kurea in the ring.

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