20 - Percy

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Okay, I really need to get this story done. There's only going to be a few more chapters, sadly. Sorry, guys! I'll make the most of it!


Annabeth was excited to go to camp this morning. She woke me up early, actually ate breakfast without me having to force her or talk her into it, and got ready super fast. All in the matter of an hour. She may be pregnant, but that doesn't slow her down.

She kept telling me to "hurry up" while we were driving, which was kind of ticking me off, but I've learned not to argue with pregnant women.

"Is your foot even on the gas?" She asks asks, irritated.

"Do you want to drive?" I reply.

"I do, but I can't fit behind the wheel."

I had to laugh a little at that.

"It's not funny," she says.

"It is a little bit."

"No it's not!"

"Oh, come on. Soon you won't be pregnant anymore, then you're gonna wish you were."

She groans. "Just... go faster. I want to see everybody before my children are born."


I was actually really nervous to get to camp. I mean, when we left here, no one even knew about... anything, really. Now it's all almost over. I mean, Annabeth could go into labor any second. What's not nerve racking about that?

Chiron snuck us into the Big House at first. We sat on the porch by Chiron's pinochle table, but we didn't play. He was too busy asking us questions.

"The children are healthy, I see," he said. "Have you been seeing a doctor?"

Annabeth nods. "Yes."

"Turns out," I include, "That doctors are expensive."

Chiron laughs. "They sure are, my boy."

Not much of a moment later, footsteps come from around the corner. Rachel runs across the porch to us, out of breath and her face beat red. She has a huge smile on her face. "I just heard that you guys were here! I was coming up here to ask Chiron if it was true, and here you are!"

I smile. "Here we be."

I get up and give her a hug. Annabeth starts to get up but Rachel stops her. "No, no, no," she says. "Sit. Don't strain yourself. Gods, look at you! You're glowing!"

She gives a little chuckle. "No kidding."

Rachel sits by us and immediately starts asking questions. "So... do you guys know?"

Me and Annabeth both were clearly confused. "Know... what?" I ask.

"The genders, of course. Did you guys ever find them out?"

"Um, no," I say. "We wanted to wait."

She sighs. "Phew. I'm glad I didn't say anything then."

Annabeth sits up straighter. "What do you mean?"

"About the babies. I already know everything about them."

"Hold up," I interject, "what? How?"

"I got a little flash. It's not a prophecy, just... a glimpse. Now I know what the genders are and what they're going to look like."

My heart was pounding. She saw them? In the future? What was it like? Were they safe? Were they in danger? Where were they? What were they doing? I wanted to ask so many questions that I didn't have the heart to ask around Annabeth. It would break her if they were hurt or in danger. Honestly, she was probably thinking the same thing as me at the moment.

"Oh," Rachel says, pulling me out of my thoughts. "One more thing. You guys need to be in the dining hall by 6. Don't be late. No excuses, no exceptions. I mean, besides going into labor, but-"

"Why do we need to be there?" I interrupt.

She shrugs. "It's a surprise. I can't say anything."

A surprise? I could only imagine what it was.

"We'll be there," Annabeth says.

Rachel smiles. "Good. Now, go get some rest. You're gonna need it before tonight."

Unexpectedly Expecting (Previously Known As Unexpected)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon