16 - Percy

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I've been going to college for about a month now, but it's still a little foreign to me. I don't like leaving Annabeth at home by herself all day, but she practically tackles me out the door every morning, so I don't really have a choice.

Around lunch today, I go to the cafe at the top of the hill and get some coffee. Okay, a lot of coffee. Annabeth hasn't been sleeping well, so she's keeping me up all night with her tossing and turning. I try to help her fall asleep, I make her tea, I cuddle her, I sing to her, but nothing works. She freaks out when I try to touch her while she sleeps. She says she's getting some sort of claustrophobia where, in her dreams, she's in a room and the walls are closing in on her. I want to help, but I don't know how.

About half way through my coffee, someone behind me says, "You mind if I sit?"

I turn behind me and see Justin. He has a coffee and a scone in his hands and a smile on his face. "Sure thing, man," I say.

He takes the chair across from me. "How's Annabeth doing?"

I shrug. "She's alright, I guess. She hasn't been sleeping well. She's almost out of the morning sickness phase, but it's still happening. I wish their was something I could do."

"There is. You can be there for her, care for her, until the kids come."

"Well, yeah. Afterwards, too."

He raises and eyebrow. "So you are planning to stick around afterwards?"

I make a face. "Yes? Why?"

"Eh, you know. There's some fathers out there that don't stick around after the birth. Some fathers never even cared about the mother."

"I'm not like that."

"So you're going to stay?"




"And take care of them?"

"You've got a lot of nerve asking these questions, you know that?"

"I'm just trying to make sure Annabeth is in good hands."

"Why wouldn't she be? And why would you care?"

"I care because she's a hero and deserves to be treated like one."

"And I don't?"

"I didn't say that."

"That's literally what you just said."

"No it's not."

I get up and walk away. "Whatever." I continue walking, but then turn back around to say something. "And I meant what I said in the department store."

He looks unphased, showing no emotion on his face except security. I turn back around and walk away for sure this time.


I pull my key out of my pocket and get ready to unlock the door, but I hear voices inside. One is Annabeth's, the other... I'm not sure.

I slowly open the door making no noise at all. I look around the wall and see Ammabeth and Hazel on the couch. Annabeth is showing her some of the ultrasound pictures from early appointments. Hazel admires them with awe and laughter. My heartrate calms and I walk in. "Hey, guys."

Annabeth smiles. "I didn't hear you come in."

"I'm a ninja. Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

She groans. "I would be, but I can't get up."

I begin to stride over to the couch, but she stops me. "Nuh-uh," she says. "You are not carrying me."

"Well, you got to get up somehow."

Hazel laughs. "I could have just helped you get up, Annabeth."

She shakes her head. "No. I need to manage on my own."

"It okay," I assure her, "to ask for help sometimes."

She lays down on the couch. "You know what, I'm comfortable here."

I sigh. Hazel pats her hands on her lap and stands up. "Well," she announces. "I should go. Frank is waiting for me at the office."

Annabeth says goodbye and Hazel walks out the door. I look down on Annabeth and she folds her hands over her stomach. "You okay?" I ask.

She smiles. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"Percy, I'm okay."

I shake my head. "No, you're not. What's wrong?"

She sighs and pauses a minute before answering. "Do you ever... do you ever think of home? Of camp? Of New York? Do you ever miss it?"

I sigh and look down. I hadn't even thought of that. It must be 10 times worse for her with her hormones. I can't believe myself. I sit on the couch and put her feet in my lap, rubbing the bottoms with my fingertips. "I do miss it," I say. "All of it. I miss my mom. I miss Paul. I miss camp. I miss my friends. But we're here now, and you're happy, right?"

"I am happy," she sighs, "but not satasfied. I'm happy because I'm about to bring 2 lives into this world. I'm happy because I have you. I'm happy because I'm close to my dad, even though I don't really want to talk to him right now, and he doesn't want to talk to me. But it's not home. It's not camp, or the old apartment, or Goode, or anything. It's California. I miss it. A lot."

I press a kiss to her knee cap, which is covered by her yoga pants. "I do, too. We'll visit soon. I promise."

She takes a deep breath through her nose. "Okay."

"How does Christmas sound?"

"But that's 2 months away."

"Thanksgiving, then we can go back again for Christmas and New Year's. Deal?"

She smiles. "Deal."

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