50| Reunion

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Once we enter the house, we're greeted by Jake's Dad. Despite the rumors about how powerful Nathaniel Spencer is, he seems so humble, and I feel that just by looking at the way he laughs when he finally meets us.

"Welcome to our home, Lais," he greets me. "We've been waiting to see you for a long long time. Jake just can't keep you hidden from us forever, right?" he jokes, making his son roll his eyes.

I wonder if they've been talking about me all this time -- my heart flutters at that thought.

"Come on, Dad," Jake mutters, and I find it adorable to hear their father-and-son banter. I haven't had any figure of a real father, and so I sometimes wonder what it's like to have one.

"Thank you for inviting me." I smile.

I can't help but still feel nervous even though they don't give me any reason to.

"Oh please make yourself at home, Lais." Nathaniel returns my smile with a very warm one. He then turns to Jake and pats his shoulder. "Your mother is in the kitchen."

Jake nods and leads me further into the house, holding my hand. He looks like he can't wait to introduce me to his Mom.

My eyes travel around his home, and this is when I'm reminded again of how different our lives are. This house is so huge.

The interior, the walls, the fireplace... All of them look so extravagant. And my assumption was right about the ballroom.

I may be right too about the theater and wine cellar -- I may just haven't seen them.

When we reach the kitchen, I catch sight of his Mom preparing our dinner with the help of someone who looks like the butler of the household, and some maids.

Veronica Spencer looks breathtakingly beautiful and elegant even in her 40s -- the pictures of her in the media don't do any justice to the sight before me.

A soft smile touches her lips as she places what seems to be one of our main courses on the counter, her blonde hair tied in a low bun.

Once she notices me, she gasps in delight and pulls me into a tight hug. Then she kisses both of my cheeks.

"I've been dying to see you, Lais. How are you doing, sweetheart?" She stares at me lovingly, and I know now that she and Jake have the same eyes.

It's the same dark blue, filled with the same love and affection.

Veronica's warmth can make me melt into a puddle of water in the snow, and it even almost brings tears to my eyes.

"I'm doing good. Thank you for having me here." I break into a smile.

I'm doing really good, because your son makes me really happy.

If only I could confess that.

"I've brought some little gift," I say, handing her the bottle of wine, and she takes it with happiness skating all over her face.

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