chap-8, Sin-fusions

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Chap 8

Kayley's POV (this is a first, leave your views in the comments)

I was shocked, guilty, angry and depressed at the same time.

It had been 15 minutes, and Cass and I were still silently sitting on the bed, bringing ourselves under control.

I opened my mouth to break the awkward silence, but nothing came out. I was so...confused.

I never really 'like' liked Dylan, he was just the hot guy that would make your rep go from nerdy geek to cheerleading bitch in a second.

But I knew that if there was anything real, it would be with Jake.

Even Anna had said so. Anna was the girl I always went to with my Jake issues. I know, I know, I should be talking to my best friend Cass, but I knew that if I went to her with my Jake problems, she'd let her hate for him cloud her judgment.

So I went to Anna, my only other female friend. I mean, I had other girlfriends, but none of them were in the advise department. I would go those other girls only if I needed fashion statements or concert tickets.

So, anyway, I would go to Anna, and all along, for 2 years that I've been asking her advice, she's been telling me that I have feelings for Jake. I've been denying it all along, but today, when Cass asked me the question, it suddenly felt more... Real. Like maybe I did like him. It must actually show on my face. I mean, 2 of my close friends can't go wrong, right?

Isn't that what they say? Your best friend knows you like someone before you do? Something like that.

But the real thing was-what now? I couldn't make Cass break up with Jake just cause I might like him. That's unfair.

Or is it?

No! Stupid Kay! Can't think like that! I can't make her break up with him.

Plus, they might actually make a cute couple.

Even though my sky blue eyes will look more in sync with his turquoise ones. And my blonde hair will complement his dark hair perfectly. And my skin-

'Shut up Kayley! You can't think thus stuff! Jake is Cass' boyfriend!'


'No buts, Cass it's your best friend! You should have said you liked him when she asked! It's your fault!', a voice at the back of my mind said.

It was right. I had to tell Cass that she could have him. Knowing her, she is probably killing herself internally for this.

'talk quick' the voice said, 'in her mind she's already suicided by now!'

I opened my mouth, glad to find that words were coming out. "Well then you should break up with him" I said.

Wait- what? I just...

I just said....


Cass' face proved it. She was red, about to blink tears.

No! Cass, i'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I wanted to tell her the truth, but I blacked out again.

I didn't know what to do. So I just walked out before I could say anything worse.

'Question- Is there anything worse that you can say?' That voice murmured, 'You've crossed the level. Your officially the worst friend ever. Best friend isn't even something close to you. Hell! You're probably the worst HUMAN ever!'

I just went to my bedroom and shut the door. The worst part was, I didn't regret this action enough to even cry.

I had to talk to Anna.


Cass' POV

My tears wouldn't stop. They just fell and fell, like a waterfall. But they had no reason to stop. My best friend was a bitch! I wasn't going to deny it now. After all this time of thinking she was an angel, I just gave up today. This was hopeless; she was hopeless. How can she do that?

I can never forget that look on her face when she told me to break up with Jake. She looked like she was proud of herself. Like she didn't know why she said what she did, but whatever, she was proud of it.

There could be only 2 reasons for that- either she was extremely good at hiding her feelings, aka, putting on a mask, or she was just waiting for this moment for her entire life. A moment when she could tell me off, a moment where she could take revenge from me...I didn't know why.

My heart said the first option, but my head was telling a different story.

I had to talk to Jake.

I called him up.

"Hey, Cass." Jake said

"H-he-hey." I said between sobs. I was trying not to make it this obvious, but failing miserably.

"What's wrong?" He said, worry in his voice.

"Kayley does l-like you"

He sighed and said, "So does she know bout us?"

"Yeah...j-just come over." I told him.

"Be there in 5. Oh, and I think Dylan heard all of this, he tabbed my phone, I think."

"This is not a joke, Jake."

"If laughing jackass won't make his girlfriend laugh then what's his worth?" He said.

"Shut up, Jake." I said, so pissed that I disconnected the phone.

Jake was here in 5.

We were sitting on my bed, after I told him everything about Kay, he just remained silent.

"So what now?" he said

"Now, i'm going to state the obvious" said Kay, from the door, "and the obvious is, that my supposed to be 'best friend' is dating the guy I like.


Now my temper had had enough. I wouldn't take it any more.

"Shut up! You're the bitch here! Why didn't you tell me that you liked him when I asked? I did the most I could! If you would've told me then I would've broken things off with him. What's your problem, Kayley?" She flinched when I called her by her full name. I never did that unless I was overly upset.

"You know what, Cassie? You're a traitor! You-"

"Shut up, Kayley!" Came a third voice that I forgot was present in the room. "I'm flattered that you're fighting over me, but that's beside the point. I'm supposed to be stating which one of you I want, not you!"

"Fine, then. Go ahead! State away!" Said Kay, "he's not stupid like you. I know he'll choose his best friend over some random girl."

Well, this is like vampire diaries with a gender reversal, and obviously, there's no vamps.

"I choose Cass." He started without any hesitation.

I couldn't believe what he just said! He didn't even love me and he chose me over his best friend! I was delighted, feeling like a character from a romance novel.

This is amazing!

I bet Kays face was worth seeing at that moment, but I was too delighted to look at her.

"It was my mistake, I thought you were normal. But now I know better, Jake, you're just as bitchy as her, you're perfect for each other." She said as she walked off. And even though she got the last punch in the fight, we both knew that she had lost, badly.

Yet reality never failed to catch up with me.

My best friend became my enemy in an hour. And it felt horrible.


How's it? I know it's kind of a filler, but if anyone can guess the surprise coming up next, well hats off to them.

Comment and vote! Ty! Oh, and how's the new cover?

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