getting to know the crew

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(Ok in this chapter Frieza (Y/N) otherwise known as you gets to know the Hazbin crew,wolfku,and the Doomslayer more and I'm sorry for all the short chapters but after this chapter will be the Hazbin Hotel pilot so be prepared ok on to the chapter.)

*Frieza (y/n) POV*

I woke up to someone screaming "wakey wakey bitch" and they were throwing rocks in my room so I walked up to the balcony giving this owl demon (ok I keep not knowing if I spell something correctly what the hell man) giving him my evil glare (more like rape face but ok).

I woke up to someone screaming "wakey wakey bitch" and they were throwing rocks in my room so I walked up to the balcony giving this owl demon (ok I keep not knowing if I spell something correctly what the hell man) giving him my evil glare (more ...

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When he saw my face he instantly fell to his knees begging for mercy.

Frieza (Y/N): be lucky I'm happy today but if you wake me up like that again hehehe I pretty sure you know what will happen.

Owl demon(*cough* stolas *cough*): ok I'm so deeply sorry lord frieza I won't do it again.

Frieza (y/n): well you do have good manners so I will let you go now run along before I change my mind.

As I said that he instantly ran like saitama ok well my race never needs to do any of that bathroom stuff so I'll just go to the lobby as soon as I opened my door I see the slayer going to the lobby aswell and he doesn't even say hello why doesn't he ever talk?(that's good question).

Now me and him are waiting in the elevator and this song call HOLIDAY by lil Nas x is playing(I'm not putting in the link to the song because just like when I made a reaction video to it on YouTube it got taken down instantly) oh yeah I forgot its Christmas but now since me and the slayer are alone I can ask him why he doesn't talk.

Frieza (y/n): so slayer why do you never speak?

The slayer seemed to tense up at that question but then he actually spoke.

Doomslayer: well it's not only because of my past but also because it's a huge strain on my throat but that feeling went away though but after it went away I figured it be best not to talk again for very good reasons.

Well that is shocking I've heard everything that he went through and that's alot even for me.

Frieza (y/n): well I understand slayer and yes I have changed to a good guy but you can speak when you're only around me if you want to.

Doomslayer: yes that would be nice thank you.

Frieza (y/n): no problem.

Now we have arrived at the lobby and Charlie is already here greeting us.

Charlie: GOOD MORNING LORD FRIEZA AND MR. DOOMSLAYER WE HAVE PANCAKES FOR BREAKFAST.(seriously chill out Charlie you are way more energetic than me like jeez chill out.)

Frieza (y/n): that's nice of you charlie me and the slayer will be there soon if that's ok.

Charlie: yes take all the time you need.

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