13; Family

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It's been a couple of days since the whole Lava incident, it was a few days of non-stop flying

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It's been a couple of days since the whole Lava incident, it was a few days of non-stop flying. We landed down in a forest, Appa resting up, eating any grass or apples that were found before moving down towards the water that we spotted from above for waterbending practice. 

"Hey, look a sword made out of a whale's tooth," Aang said, which caught my attention, I slide down beside Sokka. "Let me see that?" He yanked it out from Aang's grasp and looked over it. Telling from the coloring and the fact it was a whale's tooth, it was one of ours. 

"That's one of ours," I said, looking over Sokka's shoulder. We were the only people who used animal-based weapons, unlike the Fire Nation or the Earth Kingdom. I had no idea what the Nomads did but they were always peacekeepers than fighters. "If this was here, then there has to be more around."

"Exactly, see if we can find some more." Sokka orders, Aang nods as we split up to look for more Water Tribe weapons in the bushes or any arrows in the tree bark. I search through the bushes but found nothing, moving on down the hill a bit. "Did someone lose something?" Katara asked as she came down.

"No, we found something!" Aang said.

"We found a Whale sword, it has to be one of ours," I said, moving down further and stopped at a tree. There were some singe marks on the bark, and I ran my fingers on it. Just a few days old. Sokka squats down and pushed the leaves away and showed an arrow, burned. "There must've been a fight." 

"Right. Water Tribe Warriors ambushed a group of fire benders, the warriors kept pursuing the fire benders down, getting the upper hand, they were pushing them down there." I narrated the actions they took, there were some impressions going down and Sokka moved down, towards the water where the Water Tribe boats were possibly there. "Hakoda must be here!"I said as we follow behind Sokka onto the small beach where there was nothing there. Sokka stopped a few feet ahead of us and I sigh.

"Then what happened?" Aang asked.

"I don't know.." Sokka mutters, " The trail ends here."

"Wait!" Katara shouts, pointing to the side, "Look."

"It's one of our boats!" Sokka gasped, rushing towards it with me following closely behind. "Someone must still be here if the boats here!" I gasped, moving my hand over the wooden boat, it felt familiar. "Is it one of Dad's boats?" Katara asked hopefully.

"No, it's not, but it's from his fleet," I answered with a smile, moving my hand away. " Dad was here." 

"What do we do now?" Aang asked as a groan came from behind us. Appa walked over, and laid down, as Momo chitters from within the saddle. 

"I say we came here for tonight, see if there's a village or something," I said looking at them, smiling a bit. "We can restock on things, get some rest and maybe see if someone from the fleet is around. Hopefully, the warrior can let us know where Hakoda is, drop-in to see him before heading back on track." 

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