02; You know how to fire-bend?

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" How do you like the new clothes? Comfy I hope." I looked to Uncle, or General Iroh of the Fire Nation. My eyes glanced back down to his new clothes, my hair was pinned up so high, it felt uncomfortable . My clothes were soaked to the bone and the sleeves were a bit rip thanks to being knocked overboard.

Thanks Aang.

" Their nice, I mean, I rather wear blue but the clothes are warm." I was now wearing a long sleeved shirt, dark red and the sleeves were a bit tight but I could still moved. Dark tight pants that went into my boots, they were dry at least, thanks to how hot it was inside the damn ship. I had a light red shirt over my long-sleeved one and one of those armor on my mid-section. " Thank you for the clothes." I bowed my head, despite them being Fire nation scum, Uncle Iroh was the kindest person on the ship. 

" No need to bow," Uncle Iroh said as he opens the door for us, " Come sit with me on the deck. We are coming upon land for repairs on the ship. Your airbending friend sure did a number on us. So young yet so very powerful." He chuckles, " How long have you two been friends?"

" I honestly only knew him for three days." I said as we walked down a hallway, some guards stood against the walls and I shivered, they had to be watching us. " He's great."

We come above out on the deck, some soldiers spoke or stood next to each other, watching me. They had to, I could feel their eyes watching me and whatever I did, probably to strike me down if I did something bad or whenever they pleased.

"WHAT IS HE DOING UP HERE!" I turn to the voice to see the prince advancing towards me with narrowed eyes. He seemed very angry that I was up here. Uncle Iroh stood in the way and smiles to his nephew.  " I have decided to let Mirza to come up and enjoy some fresh air, he needed it. The poor boy was cooked up in his room." Uncle said as he dismissed the prince. " You should host your guest in a polite way, Prince Zuko."

" Uncle!" Zuko seemed peeved that it was his own family member that had let me out of the cage, " He isn't a guest on my ship. He's a hostage or even better, he's bait."

" Now, Prince Zuko." Uncle Iroh began scolding him about how to behave while in front of a guest as I stared away from them to an upcoming boarding island. Many Fire Nation ships were boarding at the island. I felt like my nerves were on fire, so many fire soilders..so many ships..

" You!" I yelped when my arm was yanked and I looked into the eyes of the Prince, they were so intimating and angry. " Don't even think of trying to run away from me either, you're the key to helping me catch the Avatar. You try to run and I will drag you back here." His eyes narrowed even more, " Is that clear Peasant?"

" Mirza."

" What?"

" My name is not peasant or anything, It's Mirza. It means prince." I muttered as my gaze shifted to the floor. " I like to be called that, if you don't mind Prince Zuko."

He was quiet before he let go of me, turning his back to us as he walked away. I sigh shakingly, that Prince was just so close and so scary when he gets mad. Rubbing my arm I looked to Iroh who seemed to be lost in thought, " Uncle?"

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