10; The Storm and A missing necklace

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I gasped when something landed on my stomach, thinking it was a Fire Bender who stepped on me, I smacked the first thing next to me. " OW! Mirza!" Sokka's exclaim made me finally blink my eyes open only to see it was Sokka who was smacked. He rubbed his cheek, shooting me a glare. " What was that for?" He whines, lowering his boomerang that was in his grasp. " Sorry." I muttered back, seeing Momo onto of Appa, alert. He must've been the thing. " What happened that made Momo jump on us?" I asked, rubbing my eyes from sleep.

" It's nothing." Aang said, glancing at us before looking at the sand. " I just had a bad dream." He turns on his side, curling up almost into a ball. " Go back to sleep."

" You don't have to tell me twice." Sokka hummed, snuggling into his sleeping bag. I watched Aang from my spot, a bit worried. Maybe something personal that he didn't want to share. Katara seemed to be just as worried, asking softly, " Are you all right, Aang?" 

" I'm okay." Aang replied quickly, not looking at her. 

" You seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately." She added, I watched them, agreeing along with her. Aang would jolt out of sleep, gasping for air like he was losing it while in a deep sleep. He would deny that anything was wrong and go back to bed like it was nothing at all, it began to worry me too. Too bad that I didn't have tea on me for him to drink and relax. 

" I think I just need some rest." Aang said, trying to avoid the conversation. 

" You guys want to hear about my dream?" Sokka asked, perking up from his sleeping bag.  I nudged him roughly and he stuck his tongue at me. " I didn't want to talk about it anyway." He huffed childishly before laying back in his sleeping bag. Katara stared at Aang for a moment before laying back in her own, eyes slowly closely. I still sat up in my sleeping bag, watching Aang for a moment before saying, " I'm here ya know, if you want to talk about it. I know I haven't been around you from the beginning but if..there's anything you need to get off your chest..then I'm here for ya. I'm you're friend too Aang." 

He didn't even make a peep, I take it as a sign to leave him alone. Slowly, I laid back in my sleeping bag and shut my eyes. 

He'll be okay, he'll talk to us when he's ready.


The next morning, everything returned to normal, as if nothing happened last night. I helped with Katara to fold our campsite, washing some clothes and had Aang blow-dry them with his airbending to speed things up. Once they were dried, I began folding the clothes with Katara packing them away neatly. 

" Look at those clear skies, Buddy!" Aang pets the top of Appa's head with a smile before looking to the sky. " Should be some smooth flying." I folded the last of Sokka's shirt just as Katara checked the bag for our food, nothing. " Well, we'd better smoothly fly ourselves to a market., because we're out of food." She said as she climbed onto Appa's tail that lifted her up to the saddle.

" Yeah, the taste of day old bread is getting, old." I said, throwing the pack up to Sokka, he catches it and began tying it down. 

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