Perfection by half

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12pm | Bakugou's House


This damn old hag won't stop screaming about how I'm doing my test today to know what my secondary gender is... It's fricking obvious what it'll be... I'll be an alpha... Like all of the Bakugo family line, nobody has ever been anything but alpha's, except my grandpa, he's an ultimate alpha, basically his scent is much stronger, his instincs are stronger too, his agility and strengths are enhanced and he's much more dominant than a regular alpha. Basically he's cool, he's the most evolved version of our race. Did I mention they grow wolf ears and a tail at 16? Well normal humans don't exist now a days anyways, so I hope I become just like him, show all these extras how pathetically bellow me they are! I hear a knock on the door, who could it be? I can already smell it, It's auntie Inko and Deku... He's been my bestfriend ever since he found out he was quirkless, I protected him the best I could from bullies, he means alot to me.

"KACCHAN KACCHAN ARE YOU EXCITED!? ARE YOU!?" He yells running in and tackling me with a hug.

Dear god he can be obnoxious, I still love him. (As a friend right now he's too young for love hehe) I hug him back as he smiles, this little guy is the sweetest kid ever, he gives himself up to make other's smile... He's already a hero, even if he physically can't be one. I managed to stop him from becoming a hero somehow, I didn't wanna lose him to some dumb villain... He meant too much to me.

"Shut it ya nerd! Your annoying me..." I say as he rolls his eyes.

"Kacchan everything annoys you..." He says looking at me with 'really' expression.

"NO IT DOES NOT!" I yell as I growl at him.

"KATSUKI DON'T SPEAK TO IZUKU LIKE THAT YOU BRAT!" My hag yells at me before smacking the back of my head.




"DON'T CALL ME HAG YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" She yells smaking my head again.

Deku giggles and gently rubs the back of my head, it kinda relaxes me so I stop yelling and simply growl.

"I'm a little nervous..." Deku wispers to me.

"I beth you'll make a great beta, and if you do become an omega... I'll claim you! You'll be under my protection!" I say as he smiles and hugs me.

"Thank you Kacchan..."

We hug one last time before Inko ask Deku to leave, I watched as he walked away, my heart feeling sad all of a sudden, I wished he'd become a beta, because being an omega is almost a curse... I studied secondary genders alot... They really are a pain to be... My mom readies up and we make it to the hospital, Deku goes to a different one so I didn't get to see him again. They place me on a table and take some sort of picture, then after that they take blood samples and send us to the waiting room.

2 hours later

"Katsuki Bakugo, here are your results, we still don't understand how it's possible but the womb in his back should be proof enough... He's an omega." The doctor says as my eyes widdens.

Excuse me what? Me? A Bakugo... Thousands of generations of alpha's bloodline... Is an omega!? I start to tremble, this isn't right, there has to be an error!

"N-no! That makes no sense doctor! I'm not! I'm an alpha like everyone in my family!" I yell as my mother cries.

"Look kid... This is just how it is, you see that, just above your rectum?" He says as I look.

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