Chapter #13

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„Wait for me after your class, don't you dare to leave without me", Draco said to Hermione.

„Okay, I got it. I won't leave without you. I'll wait outside of your classroom. But for now we both have potions", she replied.

„I just don't want to be forgotten", Draco mumbled.

Hermione giggled while they were walking to their next room together. The weekend passed by pretty calm but she only spent it with Draco. It was pretty exhausting to prepare a whole ball.

Both of them decided to form a committee for the ball so people who wanted to could help them with all the preparations. Surprisingly many people already wanted to join so Hermione and Draco told them to prepare the decorations.

The ball was already in a week. The Triwizard tournament was in his whole plans and the other schools would arrive in some days as well. And even there Hermione and Draco had to welcome them. Due to the stress Dumbledore gave Hermione and Draco the whole week off except monday.

Hermione took a seat on her side and Draco went to his side and sat down. Again she could feel Rons glare in her back but she ignored it.

Somewhere in the lesson Snape left the classroom to get some ingredients and Ron used that opportunity gladly.

„So I wasn't wrong about it?", he asked Hermione.

She turned around and looked at Ron.
„What do you mean?"

„You know exactly what I mean. You like him, as I assumed", Ron said.

„Just because we hang out quite often now?", she asked.

Everyone was already watching.
„I don't think someone would hang out with his enemy", Ron said.

„We aren't enemies anymore, we-", Hermione started but was stopped.

„SO YOU ADMIT YOU LOVE HIM?!", he screamed.

Draco scanned every move of Ron. He wanted to slap Ron at that moment but tried to hold back. It wasn't his business.
Ron looked around and suddenly saw a potion. Draco's eyes widened.

Hermione was way too startled to react when Ron took the potion. Someone screamed. Ron was about to spill the potion on her but someone tall came in front of her in the last second.

She could see that the person grabbed Ron's wrist and Ron looked at the person a bit surprised.

„Hermione! Are you okay?", Harry ran to her and looked at her.

Hermione nodded absently. Her heart was beating fast and she noticed that she was shaking.

„Control your anger issues", Draco said calm but deadly serious.

„Why are you interfering", Ron asked angrily.

„I'm the headboy, this is my job. I don't think you know how dangerous this potion is", Draco replied before taking the potion out of Ron's hands and placing it back on the table.

„Unfortunately I think I have to report this case to dumbledore, since it could have taken someones life", he went on.

„STOP THIS NONSENSE! You are just trying to protect her because you like her! She's my girlfriend!", Ron screamed and his face was red.

„She's my colleague nothing more. Stop assuming things, Weaselbee. Treat her like a girlfriend then and don't cause trouble", Draco didn't fall for Rons provocations.

„And for correction, I was your Girlfriend", Hermione said, still in the protective arms of Harry.

„W-What?", Ron asked startled and his anger seemed to be gone.

„I'm officially breaking up with you Ron Weasley", she repeated herself.

„You- You can't do this! Hermione please I love you!", Ron tried to come closer to her but it was Harry who stopped him.

„That's enough Ron. I can't trust you, stay away from her", he couldn't look into his eyes.

„Harry! Whose side are you on?", Ron was shocked.

„Do you expect me to be on your side after what you would have done if Draco wouldn't have stopped you?", Harrys Hand was a fist and he was trying to hold back the urge of punching his best friend.

„But-", Ron started.

„What's going on here?!", Snapes loud voice made everyone flinch and everyone went back to their seats.

They continued with their lesson and like that the other two lessons passed as well.


Hermione was waiting outside of Draco's Room. She looked down to the ground so she wouldn't have to watch everyone in the eye. After the incident everyone was starring at her or wanted to ask her if she was okay. She hated the attention.

Even then she could feel everyones glare at her. She looked down even more so her hair would hide her face.

„Are you trying to become a ghost or something?", a familiar voice asked.

She raised her head just to see how close Draco was to her. One of his hands was leaning on the wall behind her while the other one was in his pockets. He bowed a bit down so his face and her face were on the same height.

As soon as both of them realised how close they were Draco stumbled back and Hermione looked in the other way.

„No, I just don't need everyone pity filled looks", she replied to his question.

„Very savage", Draco said and smiled.

Hermione smiled a little bit as well.
„Thanks for saving me", she then said.

„I didn't save you, I just did my job", Draco said.

Somehow it felt like he was lying. When he saw Ron taking the potion he handled out of reflex. He didn't know how he ended up there but he did.

They were just about to leave the building when suddenly Harry appeared in front of them.
„Are you going somewhere?", he asked curiously.

„We need to get some things for the ball", Hermione replied.

„Have fun. I just came by to thank Malfoy actually", Harry went on.

„Thank me?", Draco looked at Harry surprised.

„Yes, thanks for saving Mione earlier", Harry said and held his hand out for Draco, „I think we can finally stop being enemies."

Draco was surprised but eventually took Harrys Hand.
„You better be not joking Potter", he mockingly said.

Harry smirked.
„Well I have training then so I'll leave then. See you later or tomorrow guys, bye", and just like that he left.

Hermione smiled. It was nice of Harry to thank Draco.


New chapter!

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I hope everyone had an amazing christmas and it's new year soon🥺enjoy the holidays!
Love you

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