Chapter #14

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„I didn't know muggles had magic too", Draco looked at the doors of the store which opened themselves.

Hermione giggled.
„It's not magic, they work with electricity and sensors."

„So muggles are smart smart, I mean you did this all without magic? My respect", he couldn't keep his eyes from anything. Everything was completely new to him.

Whatever he saw looked magical and he couldn't comprehend the fact that no magic was used. It seemed surreal.
„Malfoy! Look this store has amazing ball gowns", Hermione pointed to a store.

But he was way too focused on the carousel, which was standing in the mall. Little kids were enjoying the ride while Draco was looking.

Hermione couldn't hold her smile back. He was like a little kid in the mall for the first time. An idea came into her mind.

„Malfoy, let's go to an amusement park", she said.

„To an what?", he looked at her confused.

„It's a place where you can ride a lot of fun things like roller coasters or a carousel, like the one over there", she pointed to the carousel.

„You know, muggle words are a language for itself. Roller coaster? I can't even imagine what it is", he replied.

„You'll see. Now hurry up and let's buy the dresses", she said before grabbing his hand and pulling him into the store.


„Oh come on. This is the sixth store and we still haven't found any dress for you, even though we already saw thousands of blue dresses", Draco complained.

„It's not my fault, I can't find a good dress", Hermione replied while coming out with a darkblue dress.

„No, this one is not it. It doesn't look good at all", Draco immediately said.

Hermione sighed and went into the changing room again. Draco already had his suit but was waiting for Hermione to find a dress so he could match his tie with her.

Draco stood up and started to look around in the store again. There had to be a dress that would be perfect. He went into the back of the store and saw a lot more ballgowns.

Slowly he started to look at each dress and feel their material and tried to imagine it on Hermione. But none of them fitted her in his imagination.

„Malfoy! Maybe we should try another store", he heard Hermione.

„Okay!", he replied.

He walked back when suddenly something caught his eye. The dress was asking for his attention. And it was the prettiest dress he had ever seen.

It wasn't the color of turquoise they imagined but it was definitely a very pretty color. The upper part of the dress was decorated with a lot of shiny items. The collar of the dress was see through and decorated with silver flakes. The breast part was decorated with diamonds which faded away at the belly part. The upper part and under part where connected with the diamonds again. The back of the dress was open.

Draco took the dress and went to Hermione.
„Try this on", he said.

Hermione looked at the dress with her eyes widened.
„This dress is beautiful Malfoy", she said before taking it and going into the dressing room.

Draco sat down again and crossed his arms. He never went shopping and everything was so new that he couldn't even comprehend every information.

Suddenly the curtain moved and a smiling Hermione came out. Dracos gaze went from her feet to her face and he couldn't look away. The dress seemed to be made for her and made her appear taller than she was.

„What do you think?", Hermione asked.

Draco cleared his throat.
„It's fine I guess. Buy it", he said, trying to hide his love for the dress.

„I like it as well", Hermione replied before she disappeared into the room again.

They bought the dress and a matching tie before leaving the mall. It was already dark at that time. No wonder though, it was almost winter.

„I don't think we can go to the amusement park anymore", Hermione said looking at the sky.

„Let's go there another time, for now let's go back", Draco said.

Hermione nodded. Her feet felt sore and she was tired. They left and a bit later they arrived at Hogwarts. Barely anyone was outside at that time. Most of them were in the common rooms or in their own rooms.

Both of them hurried to get into their dorm. Finally there they made themselves ready for bed before falling asleep quickly.


A knock on the door of waked Draco up. He put the pillow on his head. But the person didn't stop knocking. He hoped Hermione would get up to open the door, but she didn't.

He sat up annoyed before going to the door and opening it. He looked at Blaise, Pansy, Grabbe and Goyle who were standing at his door.

„What are you doing here?", he asked not very happy about his visitors.

„Our friend barely spents time with us, so we thought we should visit him", Blaise said.

Draco sighed and went through his hair.

„We will wait in your living room, you should hurry up and put something on. It's minus 9 degree outside and you're chilling here without a shirt", Pansy said before entering the dorm.

Draco looked down on himself and noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt. He hurried back into his room before getting ready.

After he was ready he joined his friends.
„So tell us, I heard some of the Gryffindors started praising you? And the newbies see you as a hero after you saved Granger", Goyle started.

„It's nothing important. I just did my job", Draco replied.

„You've changed to be honest, the old you would have put that potion on Granger himself. What happened?", Pansy looked at him.

„Nothing happened, but after our fights Dumbledore threatened us that he would take our title away so I had no other chance than being on neutral terms with her", Draco was already annoyed.

„I don't think your father would like to know this. The fact that you became the headboy with a mudblood and especially Granger, how would he react?", Pansy continued.

Dracos hand turned into a fist and he was trying not to freak out. Of course his father wouldn't like it, especially not Granger. She was the worse out of all muggleborns. But he didn't have any options.

„I'm glad you got to see me, but nowadays I'm busy with the preparations of the ball so how about you guys leave now?", he tried to say it as calm as possible.

„But why Mal-", Goyle started.

„Leave", Draco interrupted him with such coldness that they prefered to leave. As soon as they were out of the door he closed the door and went into his room.

He lied down and looked to the roof. He was annoyed and confused about everything. His life turned upside down the day Hermione and him became the head students.

At the worst part was, he wasn't even regretting anything. He liked how everything was...


Do you like the chapter?

What do you think about the dress?

Will lucius find out about Hermione being the headgirl? How will he possible react?

I'm currently in the train. Nowadays I'm doing a sort of internship at the office of a familyfriend and it's pretty cool. But I have to travel two hours everyday so it's no fun :(
Anyway love youu

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