Chapter #1

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„So you really want to candidate for the headgirl?", Ron asked Hermione while eating some chocolate he bought from the trolley.

„Yes, it's a good opportunity for me to learn to be more responsible", she replied, looking up from her book.

„I guess it will suit you. And there is no doubt that you won't get the headgirl. You are the brightest witch of your age and our top student", Harry interfered into the conversation.

„Well, there's Malfoy", said Ron.

„He won't candidate for the role as a headboy. He never did. Besides, he's not even responsible enough to do that huge job", Hermione said.

„Well, maybe he also changed his mind like you did? I mean, you never candidated for it before as well. Plus, I guess he's pretty responsible and just doesn't show it", Ron looked at Hermione seriously.

„Are you on that ferrets side or mine?", Hermione said a little bit furiously.

„Don't take it wrong Mione. I was just stating my opinion", he replied and lied back to analyze the wrapper of a candy.

„No one asked for it tho", Hermione snapped back.

„Hermione, chill. He didn't mean it wrong. I guess you are pretty edgy right now. Did Sarah annoy you again?", Harry asked and put his hand on hers.

Hermione sighed.
„Sorry Ron", she said and then looked to Harry and her Hands, „Actually everyone annoyed me. Holidays were horrible since Meredith let me do all the tasks while Sarah was allowed to do nothing."

Meredith was Hermiones stepmother since Hermiones real mother got murdered by Bellatrix when she was younger. Her dad married Meredith two years later, who had a daughter in Hermiones age. Since then all they did was annoy Hermione whenever and wherever they could.

„Never mind, you already told me remember?", he said and smiled.

Hermione felt slightly bad for being rude to her own boyfriend. She smiled when she remembered how Ron finally asked her out three weeks before holidays started. She never had been more happier about it. The whole holidays long Hermione exchanged letters with Ron, whom she told every little detail about her day. And he never failed to brighten up her face after an exhausting day with her Mom and Stepsister.

Harry, who was feeling that he was soon going to be a third wheel again changed the topic and then they all started to gossip about some students of Hogwarts.


„This is a joke right?!", Blaise said surprisingly.

„No, I'm totally serious about it", Draco replied.

„You? As the headboy of Hogwarts. I can't imagine that", Pansy said while putting her hair into a ponytail.

„I don't care what you guys think. My dad told me so, so I have no other choice", Draco replied.

„Oh, so it's your dads decision. Not yours", Goyle slowly said.

„Who else? I'm not even interested in it. But he wants to brag about the fact that his son is the chosen one for the headboy of Hogwarts", Draco said in an annoyed tone.

„Well, the chosen one is still Potter", Crabbe interfered and got a look of Draco that made him look away.

„Don't even mention Potters Name. I hope he choked to death in the Holidays", Draco said disgusted.

„Negative. Me and Blaise saw him with Weasle and Granger today", Pansy said.

„But can we just mention that Granger had a Glow Up of it's finest? She looked attractive", Blaise said.

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