Chapter #12

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The next morning was different than usually. Draco and Hermione both greeted eachother instead of ignoring. After Hermione was done she decided to wait for Draco, who was surprised when he saw her waiting for him.

Both of them went to the great hall together while already talking about the Yule Ball.
„I already planned it a bit or well, actually I have some ideas already but you need to approve them", he said.

„I see, sure. Let's meet in the dorm after breakfast if you don't have any plans", Hermione replied. It was Saturday, so they wouldn't have any school anyway.

„Shouldn't have any. Incase I do I'll cancel them, they wouldn't be that important anyway", Draco said. They arrived at the doors of the Great Hall.

„Well then, see you later", Hermione said and their ways parted themselves.

Draco walked to the Slytherin table and Hermione went to the Gryffindor table. Many people were watching the interaction of the head students.

Hermione spotted Ron sitting in front of Harry. But she wouldn't runaway, Ron should feel bad. Stubborn as she was, she took a seat next to Harry greeting him and Ginny.

Based on how they were looking at her she could already say that they knew about Ron and her fight. But she shouldn't care less.

„So what's up?", she asked.

„Nothing. We're going to Diagon Alley today, do you want to join?", Harry smiled at her and she appreciated him even more.

He wouldn't ask her anything if she wouldn't say it herself nor would he pick sides.

„Thanks for the offer but I need to pass. Malfoy and I need to plan the Yule Ball. We have to be finished end of this week and then prepare everything. The decoration needs to be done and yeah", she answered.

She noticed how Ron clenched his teeth when she mentioned Draco.

„You're spending a lot time with Malfoy huh?", Ginny said.

Hermione could her the shade in it.
„I mean I have to since I took over an important job, just like him."

Ginny looked at Hermione. Hermione could see the doubt in her eyes. Ginny didn't know wether to support her best friend or brother, but even if she would support Hermione, her brother wouldn't let her.

So Hermione was okay with it. She smiled at Ginny before finishing the one croissant and standing up.

„Don't you want to eat more?", Harry asked concerned.

„No, it's fine. I have to leave now anyway",  she answered.

Harry looked over to the Slytherin table and saw Draco sitting there.
„He's still there though", Harry said.

Now Hermione as well looked to the other side and her eyes met Draco's eyes. He looked at Harry, Ron and Ginny before asking her with his eyes if she wanted to leave. She nodded shortly so no one would notice. Draco nodded as well and Hermione made her way out.

„Alright guys, I'm leaving", she heard while passing the Slytherin table.

She was already outside of the Great Hall when Draco reached her and walked next to her.
„Did Weaselbee say something?", he asked.

Both of them weren't looking at each other.
„No, he didn't. I just felt uncomfortable in his presence. That's why I left", she answered honestly.

„I see. Well forget him for now. You guys will make up soon, I'm sure", he slightly smiled at Hermione and she smiled back.

„So I've actually thought of a winter themed ball", Draco said and showed her his plans.

„That's actually a very good idea. How about if we also decide a dresscode? For example all girls have to come with blue dresses and their partners need to wear a tie in the color of their dress?", she said.

„We need to pick a certain color of blue then, you know we have to wear something different than everyone else", Draco replied.

„How about turquoise?"

„Turquoise is a pretty color to be honest. But I don't think we will get anything in turquoise here", Draco said concerned.

„Don't worry, we can go to my place. We have dresses in every color there", Hermione looked at him. She didn't expect Draco to join her in the muggleworld. He hated muggles obviously.

„You mean we can go to the muggleworld?", he asked.

Hermione nodded slowly.
Draco wanted to deny that idea as quick as possible, but she looked like she wasn't even expecting him to go.
„Okay when?", he asked.

„What?", Hermione looked surprised and Draco tried to hide his smile.

„I asked when do you want to go shopping", he repeated his question.

„Uhm... whenever you like- are you really serious right now or is it some prank?", Hermione still couldn't believe her ears.

Suddenly Draco started to laugh. Seeing her startled face was new to him, Hermione Granger was never startled by anything. But yet he made her speechless with his unexpected answer.

On the other hand Hermione looked at Draco with surprise. Did she ever saw or heard Draco laughing? Never. He was a serious person who maybe smiled sometimes in year one and two but never more than that.

His laugh was nice to hear. It was nicer than Hermione ever imagined it to be. She could have never imagined how Dracos laugh would be, but now that she was hearing it, she wanted to hear it more often.

Draco slowly stopped laughing and when he realised what just happened he looked shockedly at Hermiones face who was starring at him in surprise.

He cleared his throat and felt how he was slowly blushing. It was embarrassing.
„I'm sorry", he said in his old serious self again.

Hermione smiled.
„You should laugh more often, it makes you seem more human", she said.

„A man shouldn't show any emotion except for arrogance. Showing any emotion makes him appear weaker. Don't you dare to laugh again like this."

Draco could still taste the blood that was in his mouth on that day from the slap of his father.
„Never mind, let's go on Monday. I'll ask Dumbledore to give us the day off", he said before going on with the planning.

Hermione gave him a side look before she focused on the work as well.


New chapter! Comments?

I hope you liked it! I have winter holidays now and since we have a lockdown again I'll probably be able to update more often :)
Love you and stay safe!

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