💋 Coming back with a wife💋 Edited

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Hermana couldn't wrap her head around the much guess that where arriving at the house who where literally high class citizen wearing off expensive clothes and  phones

Hajiya took ten set of laces she brought for hermana to the tailor to sew them into comfortable wears for her, hermana thought maybe a wedding was going to happen in the house but the she wasn't the bride to get so much clothes herself getting treated like a bride just obeying the orders of hajiya.

Hermana face broke into a frown on sighting her anty rabi coming towards her, she found herself murmuring incoherent words under her breath because the woman is bad luck herself.

The evil grin on rabis face was wild enough for hermana to see right through it,she always wonders why her Anty is so much of a she devil wanting everything all to herself.

"Oh dear niece" rabi hugged Hermana who stood rooted on her stop not reciprocating the hug, rabi flickered seeing the face of hermana not holding any emotion she could read thought.

She hated the girl so much since wen her mother brought her into the earth not liking the fact that she was so beautiful and from the looks of things and what her mallams told her she will be come  something very grate in the future.

Not knowing how to destroy the child only by taking her with her to torture her but failed miserable.

A mocking expression was now replaced on her face inspecting the lace hermana was wearing which she was sure from the look of will worth so many hundred of thousands, she herself couldn't get herself wrapped in those expensive shit but this girl is indeed like her mother nothing but a gold digger.

"What a nice one dear niece" rabita was holding tight at the remaining lace that was style into a kanuri half boubou gown that fits the little girl so well.

Hermana smiled down at her anty pitifully knowing the woman is lost in this dunya and nothing could ever stop her from the mischief she had off her shoulder, hermana felt like going on with what ever game her poor anty wanted to throw knowing she couldn't show she is the bad one with the way her anties face held and expressionless grin which was making her sick of course.

"What has my little niece wrapped herself into now" rabi whispered down into hermana ears which got hermana confusion masked on her face.

Her anty opened her mouth mocking and placed her hands over her mouth.

"Oh I remember now so i heard the poor thing you had under your little spell went over his old love seeing you ain't his class" the words did send hermana off guards still not believing but them maybe her anty was right but then if that was the case then who ever is coming into her life with Abdullah will ever regret doing so, because she isn't just going to sit and watch her husband slip off her fingers she doesn't care if she was just few months to 18 but Abdullah is hers and hers alone.

Hermana went back into her room making sure she closed the door before her feeling a lump form in her throat, was she not enough for Abdullah to go bring a wife a stranger into there home, hermana closed her eyes feel the hot tears streaming down her eyes, now she got why hajiya was treating her nicely.

The Knock on her door was made her quickly go into the toilet to wash her face and dap some powder and line her eyes with Kohl a thing she hardly does watching her face over the mirror made her feel a new found energy she knew can from no where.

As she step her foot out of the house she had the sound the people where with there nose made her have come kind of nostalgic feeling.

"Hajiya wants to see you she alone in my room" Aisha whispered into hermana ears already out of the house.

Hermana stopped by the door with a wild heartbeat, with a shaky hands she placed her hands on the door knob twisting the door open, she heard his voice talking to hajiya.

Hermana examine the room with her eyes, it was a milk room the whole room has a milk theme from a milk wall to ever other things in the room which she didn't pay much attention to seeing the occupants of the room and her heart drop so it was true, he got married to the love of his life just like her anty said leaving her at the receiving end.

His head was bowed not letting her see his face clearly, he was sited by the left side of the bed on the milk Italian rug, hajiya on the other hand was on the bed with the bride by her right side with a veil covering her head not letting hermana see her face.

Her hands was beautiful with red henna which looks so well on her fair skin, which made hermana jealous from the Look of thing the girl is so fair compared to her Melanie dripping skin, she didn't know if she was to run out of the room as far as her leg could carry her or she should stay and see as hajiya unveil the bride who she was sure will look ten times beautiful compared to her

No talk

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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