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To say Murphy was nervous was an understatement, he felt jittery and scared

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To say Murphy was nervous was an understatement, he felt jittery and scared. He was meeting Buck's sister Maddie today, to make matters worse he's getting weaker. So weak that Buck has to help him get dressed, he feels embarrassed about the fact that he's 26 and needing Buck's help to get dressed. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Buck stopped tying Murphy's shoes to look at him.

Murphy sighed, they both heard the wheeze that came out of Murphy's chest. "I'm nervous, and I feel stupid and useless because you're having to dress me. That doesn't even point to the fact that I'm wearing a loose t-shirt and sweat pants, I look terrible Buck." Buck rolled his eyes before tying the last lace and getting up to sit beside Murphy on his bed.

Buck gently grabbed Murphy's hand rubbing the thin fingers. "You're dying Murphy, she isn't going to care what you look like. She just wants to meet you and get to know you, that's enough right?" Murphy shrugs but then after getting a look from Buck he nods slowly.

They were both aware of the fact that Murphy looked horrible, because of not wanting to eat Murphy's skin and bones. What became one of Buck's favorite things of rubbing Murphy's back has become dreadful because he can feel Murphy's spine, Buck's tried to not treat Muphy like glass but it's becoming harder because he looks like glass.

Buck and Murphy's parents have taken Dr. Holmes's advice and been giving Murphy only protein shakes and they mix the powder with some fruit to make a smoothie, it's been hard but they all know that Murphy's time is coming to a close. "Are you ready?" Buck asks standing up.

Murphy coughed before nodding. "I guess." Buck held out his arm and Murphy took it shakily.

"1." Buck looked at Murphy encouragingly as he began counting down. "2." Murphy gave him a small nod. "3." Buck took most of Murphy's weight helping him stand up, Buck knew that Murphy needed a wheelchair but he flat out refused even though everyone agrees that Murphy needs it. "You want to walk or me to pack you?"

Murphy's chest rattled as he took a deep breath. "Walk, at least a little bit." Buck nodded, he knew that Murphy needed all the exercise he can get but he didn't want Murphy to overexert himself trying to do something when Buck can help.

"Just remember to breathe." They took it slow, Buck paused and led Murphy to the chair in the living room so he can grab Murphy's light coat and get the door. "Round two." Buck winked at Murphy. "Are you gonna put me in the car and then grab my water and smoothie?" Murphy asks as they're almost to Buck's jeep.

Buck nods as he lets Murphy lean on him so he can open the jeep door. "That's my plan, ready?" Buck squatted and waited until Murphy nodded to lift him in the jeep, even though he expected it Murphy still squeaked in shock.

Murphy let himself relax against the jeep seat, and when Buck came back out Murphy instantly started drinking the smoothie knowing it would help get back some energy.


By the time it took them to get to Maddie's apartment Murphy had finished the smoothie off so he was just sipping on his water now, when Buck stopped in front of the building Murphy looked at it hesitantly, even though it probably had an elevator Murphy didn't know if he could stand that long in one. "I can pack you," Buck said seeming to see the concern on Murphy's face. "Yes please." Murphy coughed in the sleeve of his jacket.

Buck got out and walked over to Murphy's side, he helped Murphy unbuckle, and after making sure Murphy had a good grip on his water bottle he gently lifted Murphy into his arms.

"Are you good?" Murphy nodded at Buck's question and laid his head on his shoulder so Buck started walking towards the building.

Murphy didn't know how but he fell asleep because the next time he opened his eyes he saw the walls of an unfamiliar apartment. "Where am I?" Murphy muttered quietly but a woman responded. "You're in my apartment, Buck's in the bathroom. I'm Maddie." Maddie gave Murphy a small smile as she watched Murphy get up.

Murphy grabbed his water that someone put on the coffee table, he took a swig as his cheeks started to heat up from embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I've been getting tired a lot lately." Maddie waved him off.

"Don't worry, sleep is important. Do you need anything?" Murphy shook his head, he heard the door open and Buck came walking out of the hallway. "Hey, sleepyhead." Buck's eyes brightened when he saw Murphy awake, he came over and kissed Murphy on the lips.

"Sorry I fell asleep." Like he expected Buck brushed off with a kiss on the head. "Don't worry babe, do you want some water or are you good?" Murphy shook his head and grabbed Buck's hand. "So, Maddie. What do you do for living?" Murphy wanted the attention to be on someone other than himself.

"Oh, I'm a 9-1-1 Operator. Buck told me you were a delivery driver right?" Murphy nodded smiling at Maddie thinking about the job he once had. "Yea, I worked with my best friend but I delivered packages. I quit because of everything that happened but It's okay."

The room had this eyre feeling, and Murphy knew he was the cause of that. A flare of pain suddenly appeared in Murphy's chest, he rubbed it but it didn't go away.

He coughed but when Buck grabbed a tissue there was blood, Murphy grabbed Buck's leg and squeezed which was the signal that Murphy had to leave. "I'm sorry we're cutting this visit short but we need to get home." Buck stood up grimacing grabbing Murphy's water bottle to fill it up for the ride home.

"Maddie, before I go. I need to tell you to care for him after I die." Maddie reached over and patted Murphy's hand. "I will Murphy, I promise."

They broke apart when Buck walked back in, Buck hugged his sister, while Murphy grabbed the water bottle. "Can I walk?" Murphy looks at Buck who looked suspicious but nodded. 

In the elevator, Murphy felt alright, but it was only when the elevator made the stop that Murphy got nauseous. Murphy felt like he was going to puke.

He felt himself start to sway when they started walking on the pavement, Murphy thought he heard Buck call his name but he couldn't be sure over the sound of his head hitting the pavement which is when it all went black.

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