Me, the Cullens, and a Prophecy-Chpt 8

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 It looked just like I did when I turned into a half/half. He got turned into me. Jacob fainted and then I looked and him once more before breaking down and crying for all the pain that he has to feel. Since it had happened to me I knew excatly how much pain he was going threw. So when I cried for hours I cried for the pain, for how misrable he is going to be, and then I cried tears of  joy about how we could be together forever since we were the same thing.

"Suck it up and help him Sarah! Pull yourself together women!!!" I silently screamed at myself. I quickly pulled his shirt off him and next tried pucking the piece out of some of his deeper cuts. I couldn't let jacob die! Very few people are strong enough to go through this without someone and he has help by a veterian so he should be fine. Once I got most of the big hunks of cloth from his wounds I ran faster than I think even Edward could. It ran straight to the hospital and ran in. I picked up goze and bandages and tweezers, practicly everything! I ran out unditected again and then ran to Jacob. He was gone. I dropped all my supplies and sniffed the air.

"Carlisle" I growled.

"Well, this one is such a wimp!" Carlisle said holding Jacob in his arms getting blood all over him.

"Well, he's my wimp so put him down or I'll kill you!" I said quickly hiding some random sharp tool that I had picked up from the hospital. I then heard a soft whisper in my head.

"You were wrong Sarah. I'm not a vampire yet. You will have to change me when you kill Carlisle. For now just please win the fight and make Carlisle stop holding me like this. It hurts me!" Said Jakes voice from inside my head. I didn't register the thought on my face just in case Carlisle would hurt him. I slowly pulled my weapon out from behind y, back and sharply threw it at him. He expertly caught it and threw it back at me. I dodged it and pick up another weapon. This time it was the tweezers.

"better than nothing" I muttered as I threw them at him, but I threw then like a curve ball. It's true victoria got her wicked curve ball from me! The tweezers him him in one eye and he dropped Jacob. I quickly ran after Jacob, picked him up and ran to the hospital. Right before I went inside I knew they couldn't help him. I turned into wolf form holding Jacob on my back and silently called to Seth to meet me at Bella's place. I also told him to call Bella and Edward and everyone else besides Carlisle and Esme and Leana. He said he would do as told and not 1 minute later I was at her house and evreyone was trying to get Jacob off of me. They pulled him into the house and thank God Charlie was on a fishing trip and wouldn't be back for a week. Bella threw some clothes at me and I quickly changed in the woods then came running in to her house. I saw Jake on the couch dying and I started crying. I wasn't a big cryer. I didn't even cry when my Grandpa died but being around these people, I don't know I just now can't stop crying! When I got in the house and started to pull myself together people started firing questions.

"What happened?"

"is he one of you now?"

"What should we do?"

"Did he Imprint on you?" this was Emmetts question of course.

"Ok," I say "Carlisle found me in the woods with Jacob. He was already like this, his old pack went and almost killed himm. Carlisle is probley still in the forest. I threw tweezers and they hit him in the eye." I said. Emmett laughed.

"Serves him right for being so mean to my wanna-be little sister." Emmett said still laughing.

"Then I ran and called Seth and told him to bring all of you here to help me." I said. Suddenly everyone's faces started getting really mencing and weird looking. Everyone except for Emmett and Seth and of course my sweet loving Jacob who was unconcious as of right now.

"huh, guys...what's wrong?" I asked getting freaked. This reminded me of some scary movie that was a rip off of some really old scary movie. Beside the point...I was getting really creeped out.

"I'm really sorry Sarah. We can't help you." Alice said in a EXTREMLY creepy voice.

"Emmett, what's going on?" I asked getting frantic I pulled Emmett close and was happy that Jake wasn't awake to see me this close to Emmett or me being this scared.

"Carlisle got to them and changed their minds. Their all on his side now. But not me. I wouldn't believe him for a second and Seth wasn't there so he's not under Carlisle's spell either. I guess it's you, me and Seth against all of them." Emmett said with a sigh "Lets start this thing." He said.

"Are you going to be ok? I mean it must be hard for you to have to kill your family." I said remembering all too much of how many friends I had to kill.

"it'll be hard but they brought it on themselves for turning to the dark side. Lets do this thing baby!" he yelled ashe ran outside. Most of the Cullens followed him except for Jasper and Alice and Edward. I couldn't find Bella anywhere.

"Are you ready to die?" Edward asked icely.

"You know, Edward, you were always one of my least favorites, And Alice was always close to being hated herself. Jasper though, I really liked you... I guess it's going be hard having to kill you. Seth why don't you go and guard Jake, make sure no one tries to get to him." I say as I get into my fightenign stance.

Sure I've been in plently of fights but for some reason this one is way different. Suddenly Jasper lunges at me. I quickly move out of the way and run outside too. No need to ruin the house. Jasper tries to lunge at me again but once again I move out of the way and get Edward in a headlock. It is defintly my advantage that Alice can only see when me I want her to and it's awesome that the same rule applies for Jasper and Edward.

"Hey Seth could you start a big bonfire? Then go back to watchign Jake, ecause I don't think it's going to take too long to get some of these vermean torn to shreds and I don't think any of them will have enough time to go after Jake." I Yelled as Edward bit me. I didn't let go and infact I kicked him where the sun don't shine. He yelped a little bit not much. Suddenly Alice climbed up me and tried to rip my head off. It didn't work because I trew Edward at her and he landed in the small fire that Seth had already started making. I looked down at something that was in my hands.

"EWWW!" I yelled as I threw Edwards head in the fire after him. Through all this fightening Jasper has been watching me and looking at my tastics. Now lets see who will win this fight. We both LOTS of practice fightening, this will be a close bet. Suddenly Jasper jumps up into a tree and flys onto me knocking me to the ground. He picks me up and bends my legs to my hands like people do to like...little cows and bulls and stuff. He didn't have any rope so he just held them together with his hands. He walked over to the fire, Seth had already gone back inside to guard Jacob. I held me over the fire and he said in a very demoic voice.

"Do you have any last words Sarah?"

Then BAM! The front door slammed open and Jacob came rushing out. He was all better. He ran over to where I was and I relised that it wasn't Jacob. It was Seth. Seths tiny fist can rushing to Jaspers stomch and right before it hit it...

Me, the Cullens, and a Prophecy-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now