Me, the Cullens, and a Prophecy-Chpt. 3

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I went upstairs thankful that they couldn't smell the werewolf seeping out of me. At first I thought that Jasper had smelled it but I guess he just looks like that all the time. I can't believe they fell for it! Me being the prophecy!!!! I'm totally not the prophcy!!! I'm just a loser werewolf. I wandered around for a whiel till I found this pack. I got a tattoo so now I'm kinda in there pack. I have to follow Alfa's (Jacob's) orders. He's orders are clear. He doesn't care how I do it but I have to kill Bella and Renesme. His whole thign about being in love with her, and imprinting on Renesme is all a lie. I must say he is the best liar I have ever seen!!! But since he is the leader of the pack we all have to follow him. (Leah, Seth, and I)

Bella's POV

God! I thought to myself. That mutt! We all could smell that she isn't the Prophcy child. She was nothing more than a smelly mutt. But since she thought she had us all brainwashed I still have to think up some lie to tell her. Everyone else thinks I should tell her the truth. Like the real prophcy so she coul find out in her own that she isn't the prophcy child. Carlisle thinks that she is just a lost sole and that I should tell her flat out what she is. He's hoping that she won't fight me and will be ok with it, even though that's not a very logical answer. I decided to go up to her and hurt her. Just bad enough that she would have to go to the hospital and Carlisle can check her out then. If he thinks she can take it he will tell her that she's not a prophcy child.

Sarah's POV

Get up, go to school, go home, paroll the area, then go to bed and start all over again. That's how my life is. Sometimes little cool things get thrown in there like -kill Bella- or something along those lines. It's really fun this schule but sometimes I wish I just lived a normal everyday kid. Humans don't know how good they have it! There lives are amazingly easy. Well I have to go to school. Wonder what's waiting there for me.

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