Me, the Cullens, and a Prophecy Chpt-10

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“Why didn’t they die?” A sharp voice whispered to someone else.

“I don’t know father! I guess we underestimated their power?” Another voice said. It was a weak voice. It was Jaspers, but he never sounded weak. What made him like this? Then I remembered. It rememebered it all, all the pain and what me and Jacob said.

****Flash Back****

“AHHHH!!!!!!!” Jacob and I yelled at the same time.

“I love you.” Jacob said.

“I love you too” I said.

Then there was a flash of light and the pain went away. All I could see was bright light and Jacob. He ran over to me and passiontly kissed me. It was only for a moment because after we broke apart I was brought back to my body and the pain was back.

“Jacob!” I yelled, I threw my arm away from my side hoping his would catch it. His hand caught mine and we held together strong knowing that whatever happened we would make it though.

“Sarah!” Jacob yelled and squeezed my hand harder. And at that minute a force passed between us. I gave him all my stregnth and he gave me his. Not like a Freaky Friday thing but it was something that I will never forget. Then once the force was gone I didn’t feel anything. I looked around the room and saw it was just me and Jacob. I guessed they thought we were dead.

“We need to leave.” I said.

“But we don’t have anything, were just humans. They will catch up with us and kill us.” Jacob said.

“Your right…what should we do?” I asked.

“Not move.” Jaspers evil voice spoke as he grabbed my arms and Alice grabbed Jacobs. We were to weak to fight back so we just hung limp in their arms.

****Flash Back Over****

“You useless Son of a Bitch!” The father said. An ear spliting noise and then there was a thump as if something hit the ground. I wanted to look up or at least open my eyes but I couldn’t. I was completely paralized. Then a noise came into my mind, but it wasn’t my own. It sounded like a wimper. The father was hurting my Jacob.

“Hello?” I think to Jacob hoping im strong enough to send it. I didn’t know this was possible since we were humans now.

“Stop trying to communicate.” The loud voice said. It wasn’t Jacob nor Jaspers.

“You people are so pathic. But invinsible. At least to me.” The voice said as if it was disguested that invinciblitly was wasted on us.

“I forgot to tell you that there is no one to save you. I killed Emmett and Seth. The rest are on my side.” The voice said with a slight chuckle.

“So when I let you guys go, you will have no one to fight me back with” The voice said. I wanted to cry. No one was left for me except Jacob. I mean he was the love of my life but I couldn’t live without the rest of my ‘family’.

My body was coming unnumb slowly, as was Jacobs. I could feel his happiness mix with anger. I opened my eyes and looked around. Everytime I seem to wake up I’m in a different place. This time it isn’t the house but it looks stragely like it. It was clean and mostly all white. Then I picked up something. A flashing red light just outside the door. A hosptial. It was the only place where he could make us scream from pain as much as he wanted and no one would pay any mind since he was a docter here. Then I relized that I had known who the voice was the whole time. Carlise.

My lips were still too numb to talk but my eyes were staring at him and giving him a death glare. He just laughed at me and pushed my lids down as if I were dead. I tried to fight back but he was stronger than me and I was still mostly numb.

“I’ll get you back” I thought with deadly poisin laced in it. Of course my mind couldn’t actually poisin someone but it made me feel a little better to think of it like that.

“don’t try to kill me honey. It won’t work. And you Jacob, stop being pathic and try to save your girlfriend. Your paralized, you can’t move so stop trying.” Carlise.

“Like hell I will.” Jacob said. Apperently he got his voice back before I did. I tried to wiggle my toes and fingers and they worked. I tried my legs but nothing happened. I guess now its just more waiting.

“Plus your tied down with many buckles and ropes and the such so even when your not numb anymore you can not break free. Your only human don’t you know.” He said the last line with sarcasm.

“there is lots of amazing humans.” Jacob said.

“Like Chuck Norris.” I thought knowing no one can hear me so I can say whatever I want.

“What was that? Chuck Norris?” They both said at the same time.

“Well, now I know my mouth works.” I say sheepishly. Carlisle just laughs at me.

Me, the Cullens, and a Prophecy-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now