Me, the Cullens, and a Prophecy-Chpt. 11 (Last chapter)

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  • Dedicated to Everyone!!!

“Stupid little human!” Carlise spits at me.

“I used to be equal to you as a vampire. Actully I was better then you because I was the best of both and now that I’m human I’m the lowest form? I’m invincible! Why treat me as the scum on the bottem of your shoe?” I say. Jacobs eyes get big. I see Alice walk into the room.

“Alice” Carlisle says to aknowledge her presence.

“Carlisle.” Alice replys. She has something up her sleeve and it can’t be good. Jasper then walks in but no one says anything to him. I look over to Jasper and he has a huge chunk out of his arm.

“Jasper!” I gasp even though he is on the other team and I should hate him.

“Aw! You care now!” His voice says. Alice quickly slaps where he is hurt and he winces but only for a slight second. No one seems to see but me. Somehow, I feel like from that wince he is more like us. He is a vampire but it seems like since he is hurt he will be more ok with our side.

“Alice, he needs that arm! Next time don’t hurt him as bad.” Carlisle scolds Alice.

She smiles her sweetly sicking smile at him and then turns toward Jasper and I. her sweet, innocent smile then turns to a demented childs. It is one of the scariest things I think I’ve ever seen. She pulls out a long, thick syrunge. She walks over to me and Jacob winces.

“I’m not quiet sure who is more pathic!” Alice chuckles to herself.

“I hate you!” Jacob yells and he starts thrashing around on the white bed he is strapped to.

“Shut up! Jasper!” Alice snaps her fingers and Jasper then runs to Jacob and holds him down and shuts him up. I have no idea how he did it because Alice has plundged the syrunge in my neck. Pain shoots through my veins almost like when I was turned but this time it feels as if she shot…

“Chyenne pepper.” Alice says as she walks over to Jacob. She shot hot, firey stuff into me. To make it feel close to being changed but not actully changing us. Their smart, I must admit. She hits Jacob with it and I try to turn my head to see him but the spot where she stabbed me hurts too much. I look to the ceiling but its just white cardboard tile. Its boring and the pain is turning everything black anyway. I close my eyes just as she shoots it into Jacob. He howls and then I hear him gripping the bed. He screams a few times, then like him he gets over it as it turns to a dull fire.

“We need to think of something else. This doesn’t hurt them enough.” Jasper speaks up, but he is choking on his words. Then I see a stab wound in his neck. Alice shot it though him also. Poor Jasper.

“Your damn right it doesn’t hurt enough!” Carlisle yells in Jaspers face. Jasper again winces slightly but this time Carlisle notices.

“What is wrong with you?!?” Carlisle yells.

“Nothing!” Jasper says.

“Sure, I’ll be watching you.” Carlisle says and he turns his back on Jasper. He walks over to where Alice is waiting and watching.

“Do you have anything stronger?” He asks politely.

“Yes, but I’m not sure if they will survive it.” Alice says.

“Lets try it. If they die…well…” Carlisle rubs the back of his neck while thinking. Alice runs out of the room but is back in 5 seconds tops. She comes back in with a weird looking red thing and some swabs and then more stabby things.

She walked over to Jacob first this time and I see the pure fright in his eyes. Alice pulls out the weird red thing and puts some on a swab. She then proceeds to rubbing this all over Jacobs chest after she takes off his shirt. Once he is wincing in pain she takes the huge needle and pushes a little bit of liquid onto the tip and then scratches small cuts all over his chest. She then rubs more red stuff on it. She reacts horribly. His whole body convolces and his face is twisted into a painful look. He’s tied down but he’s coming real close to coming undone.

Alice then walks over to me and does the same thing but she only puts it on my stomch. She scratches me a little worse, and puts more of the red stuff on the scratches. The pain. Its terrible. I writh and try to get it off but I can’t move my arms or legs. I scruntch my face up and I flop around. The pain was overwhelming my senses. I knew right then that I was going to die. I opened my eyes as wide as I could and I saw Jacobs body. Limp and lifeless. This could not be how it ended though! My world started to go black. Then I fell unconcious. Even though I wasn’t truly alive I had a dream.

“Hello?” I whisper. I have no idea why I do but it just feels right.

“Yes?” a voice replies. The voice sounds bored.

“Where am i?” I ask then relize that is what dead people normally ask when their in heaven.

“Dead. Well actully, no, you are dead.” The voice says. I feel a tear slide down my cheek but somehow I feel at peace. Then a thought crosses my mind.


Me, the Cullens, and a Prophecy-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now