Chapter 11

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3rd POV

"Nami!! How much longer until we get there?!"
"Like I said 5 minutes ago...." Nami started an irk mark appearing on her head. "We'll be there in a few hours hours!!!!"
"But that's too long." Her captain complained draping his arms over the railing.
"Why don't you be like Zoro and stay quiet. He found something to do!" She said directing his attention to the swordsman that was training with his weights. Luffy then looked from Zoro to Bloom who was sitting on a crate at the deck of the ship reading a book. Excited Luffy ran in her direction.
"Hey Bloom! Whatcha doing?"
"Brushing up on war tactics." She answered flipping to the next page. "Add 20 more pounds." She told Zoro never pulling her eyes away from the book.
"Are you helping Zoro?"
"Yes. Based off his strength and the length of his workout it can be determined that....."
"That's boring!" The boy cut. "Let's do something fun."
"Fun?" She repeated not understanding.
"Let's play a game. Like...." Luffy trailed at the end placing his hand on his chin and going deep into thought.
"Eye spy!" Chopper suggested jumping on Bloom's head.
"What is Eye Spy?" She asked like it was a foreign thing.
"It's game! Look I'll show. I spy....something...." Chopper's eyes wondered around the ship before finally landing on Usopp who was in the corner fishing. "Long!"
"Usopp's nose!" Luffy answered.
"Oi!!" Usopp quickly barked back somehow nearing the conversation.
"Do you get it?" Luffy asked.
"Okay! So now I'll go. I spy"
"The Pirate flag." Bloom answered quickly.
"Yeah. Now you go."
"I see an island." She said looking past them.
"You're supposed to say I spy...."
"But there's an island right there." She pointed and the two whipped their heads around. Their was indeed the shape of an island in the far off distance.
"There is an island!!" Luffy cheered. "Zoro look!!"
"I see."
"Alright guys. We'll be arriving their soon so...." the woman trailed at the end as a cold breeze hit her instantly causing her skin to pale. Her teeth began to clatter and she hug herself trying to get warmed. "Its so cold!"
"Yeah no kidding." Usopp agreed.
"Lumen Island is surrounded by a frozen tundra." Bloom said.
"Why didn't you say that sooner!!!!" Usopp and Nami yelled in unison.
"You didn't ask."
"That still would have been nice to no!!"
"Pirate Hunter you're done now." She told Zoro.
"Don't ignore us!!!!"
"Oh Bloom-swan!!!" Sanji sang kicking the kitchen door open with a plate in hand. "I've made you some hot chocolate! You just be freezing!" He stopped in front of her bowing his head only slightly. "It's filled with my love for you!"
"I don't need it." She said walking away not at all noticing the chef freeze, tears running down his eyes like a waterfall.
"She's so cruel to me." The chef cried while Zoro chuckled. "Shut it moss head!!! Nami-san would you like some hot chocolate?"
"Yes. Thank you." She smiled gladly taking the warm drink.
"What about us?" Usopp asked.
"I didn't make any for you."
"But Bloom's cup is still full."
"Oh? I guess one of you can have it." He said Turing the plate to them. The three idiots all looked at one another and instantly began fighting over the drink. Meanwhile, Bloom ignored the ruckus and went into the kitchen where she found Robin.
"Bloom? Would you like to borrow some clothes?"
"Come this way. You can take my coat." The dark haired woman smiled guiding her upstairs to the bedroom. "Take what you like." Robin opened up the dresser door and Bloom looked inside taking a moment to think before pulling stuff out. She changed into a light blue nearly white shorts and a long sleeved black shirt with a deep V-neck. "I'm ready."
"Wait! That's not enough. You'll freeze out there."
"Yeah no kidding." Nami added walking into the room. "Why would you wear just that? Don't tell me your like the freaks outside?"
"In the marines they said to never let weather effect you."
"Well we aren't the marines so you can dress warm if you want." Nami replied.
"How do I dress warm?" She asked slowly and the two girls shared a look of surprise with one another before gazing back at Bloom.
"You don't know?" Nami asked.
"No. It was not a necessary skill I needed for my job." She answered and Nami looked at her with pity for a moment but she soon shook those thoughts out her head.
"Alright so you'll need this! And this!" The ginger haired woman began to pull things out of her closet throwing it onto the bed. Afterwards Nami got to work dressing Bloom. She put her in a white coat with faux fur around the bottom of the helm and sleeves. To add on to that she wore a red skirt with black leggings underneath and brown boots. "That looks great!"
"Yes." Robin agreed as Bloom eyes wondered on the bed to the red scarf on top. Curiously she picked it up, examining the piece of fabric before wrapping it around her head.
"Is this correct?" She asked seriously and the two fell silent before erupting in laughs which Bloom wasn't understanding at all. "Why are you making that noise?"
"No reason." Nami replied quieting down. "Let me help you."
"You're just so cute Bloom." Robin smiled as Nami fixed the scarf placing it properly around her neck.
"There you go."
"Guys!! We've landed!!!" They heard Luffy yelled from outside. The three girls went downstairs and outside back into the cold weather. Looking around, it was now snowing. Their ship had been anchored next to the frozen island. All you could see for miles was ice, snow, and mountains for miles.
"People can't actually live here can they?" Usopp asked.
"I came from an island like this!"
"Oh yeah. You must feel like your back at home."
"So do we know where we are going?" Nami asked looking at Bloom.
"We do not."
"What do you mean we do not!?!?"
"I do not have a map of the island."
"You're joking right?"
"Joking?" She repeated and Nami's mouth just dropped.
"Why would you come here and not know the way to the town!!!?"
"That information had yet to be given to me before you kidnapped me." She answered. "However Lumen Island has 4 small villages located on the West, East, North, and South parts of the island. Let's go." Bloom then took the stairs down to the island where Luffy was already waiting for her with a grin.
"I like the way you do things Bloom!" Luffy grinned patting her back while blue lines ran down Usopp and Nami's faces.
"We're going to die here."
"Get over it. There's nothing you can do now anyway. We'll figure it out as we go." Zoro said jumping off the ship.
"You couldn't find yourself out of a box!!!!"
"I have all our snacks. It should last us for the trip."
"Well, come on." Robin smiled to Nami and Usopp, who were the only one's still on the ship.
"I guess we have no choice." Usopp cried.
"We're gonna freeze to death here aren't we?" Nami added with the same expression following Usopp down. Now that everyone was finally off the ship it was time for their adventure to start
"Alright, let's go!!!"

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