Chapter 6

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3rd POV

Chopper pointed and Nami and Luffy followed with their eyes looking into the water. They could only see her back, so what they noticed first was her long pink wavy hair going down to her back. She was walking, as normal as ever, into the sea. She was already about hip level, and when a wave hit, her while body went under water until it went back to normal, and her head popped back out again.
"What is she doing?! Why is she walking into the water like that?"
"She's going to drown."
"N-No way. Who goes into the water without knowing how to swim? She's going to come back." Nami answered nervously laughing it off but when they kept watching, she never came back. Instead she kept walking until the water reached her upper back, her neck, and at this point Nami was growing nervous. The beads of sweat started traveling down her face, watched as the water covered her face, until covering everything. She was now completely underwater. "WHY DID SHE KEEP WALKING!!!!!!!"
"SHE'S DROWNING!!!!!!!" Luffy yelled equally as loud.
"What's the problem?" Usopp asked running towards Nami.
"Is she an idiot?!" Zoro asked while Usopp looked at him in confusion.
"Who's an idiot?!!!" Usopp yelled this time trying to draw their attention.
"Sanji! Go save that girl!!"
"Saving girls is my pleasure!!" Within a second, the cook was diving into the water to save the pink haired girl. He could see her nearby; however, she was unconscious. Quickly picked her up and brought her back to land where Chopper got to work trying to bring her back.
"Is she going to be okay?" Usopp asked
"She should. She wasn't underwater too long." Chopper answered pushing against her stomach until finally, she coughed up the water. After that, her eyed slowly drifted open, revealing her cyan blue irises. In that moment, Sanji's eyes widened and he felt like he was hit with an arrow to the heart. The man even stumbled back a few steps almost his lips shaking with no actually words coming out.
"Sanji?" Usopp called softly before something strong happen. The cook's eyes literally jumped out of their sockets forming hearts, and his tongue fell out like a dog causing Usopp to scream loudly from the sudden change.
"BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sanji took this chance too look on the girl up and down starting from a beautiful, expressionless face, to her large breasts, small waist, full hips, and slim thighs. Her body exceeded that of even Nami's.
"Pervert." Zoro spat but at this moment, Sanji could care less about the swordsman. Within a second, the blonde dropped down on his knee taking her hand in his.
"The only possible way I can describe you as an angel. A beautiful angel which I rescued. Please tell me your name."
"BLOOM-SWAN!!!!!!!!" The cook yelled out loudly turning away from her, hearts now back in his eyes, as he held his arms wide open. The rest decided to ignore him and instead check on the girl.
"Are you alright?" Nami asked.
"Why were you walking in the ocean like that?" Nami asked.
"I was ordered."
"What cruel person would make you do something like that!?!?" Usopp shouted. "And why would you do it! Do you even know how to swim!?"
"The why'd you go into the water!!!!" Usopp and a Nami yelled angrily in unison.
"I was only completing my order to go in water and swim." She answered and the two simply deadpanned.
"You're weird." Luffy laughed.
"Well, at least you're okay." Chopper sighed in relief.
"Devil fruit." Bloom stated.
"Yes! I ate the Hito Hito no mi and now I can do this!" As a demonstration, Chopper crushed a rumble ball in his mouth so his body grew much larger, into Heavy Point. "See?"
"I see. Now I must leave since I completed my task." Bloom said standing on her feet about to walk away from the Pirates.
"You didn't complete any task!!!" Usopp yelled bringing her to a stop.
"Incorrect. I went in the water and swam. Task complete."
"You drowned!!!" He yelled and this time she completely turned around starting to head back to the sea.
"Then I will go again."
"You will die!!!"
"Why are you trying to complete this so much?" Name asked.
"Because I was ordered."
"That's all."
"Yes. I will complete my task without failure."
"I'll help you, let's go in the water!!" Luffy suggested with a grin grabbing her wrist and dragging her away with him. Quickly though, Nami appeared hitting his head hard enough to send him crashing into the sand once again with steam coming off his wound.
"Stop doing that!!!!!!"
"You seem very serious about this so Zoro will help you out."
"Don't order me around, woman." Zoro spat.
"Don't forget you're debt." She stretched out the t in debt, smirking evilly at Zoro with a wicked look in her eye. She almost seemed villainous in that moment and it took everything within Zoro to not hurt her right then and there.
"Wait!!!" Sanji yelled quickly running between Zoro and Bloom. "I protest against letting this useless swordsman teach Bloom-swan how to swim. I'm the best swimmer I'll do it."
"You're also the biggest pervert." Usopp reminded him.
"Exactly not allowed." Nami agreed causing the blonde to sulk and Zoro to smirk in victory. It wasn't like he wanted to teach Bloom to swim but beating the cook was enough to bring his mood up. "But you can't swim like that. You're fully dressed."
"And if you stay in those clothes you'll get sick." Robin added.
"Why don't you buy a swimsuit?" Nami suggested.
"What is this swimsuit?" Bloom asked causing the ginger haired to eye in her shock.
"You're joking right? You can't possible not now."
" I do not."
"Then we have no choice but to help you shop. By the way, I'm Nami, that's Robin, Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Zoro."
"I'll come as well!!" Sanji volunteered eagerly.
"But Sanji I'm hungry!" Luffy whined.
"You're food is over there. You'll get more when I come back." Sanji pointed next to the girl where a plate of meat laid. Luffy's tongue practically fell out of his mouth and he was drooling at the sight. "Let's go ladies!"
"Yes, let's." Robin agreed. The three girls walked walked away with Sanji following behind in tow. Lucky for them, the swimsuit stores were all places at the beachside so looking for one should be pretty easy. The store they walked into was pretty open, with dozens of options to pick from.
"I think this one would look great on her." Nami suggested holding a white swimsuit up to her body.
"Black would look lovely too." Robin said doing the same after Nami.
"I think this would look great on you, Bloom-swan!" Sanji swooned with heart eyes and a noose bleed, holding up a swimsuit which was basically string.
"Why did we bring you!!!!!!" Nami angrily yelled as she kicked the blonde in the face, sending him flying out the store. Shopping took a little while longer then expected by finally, Nami and Robin picked a swimsuit for her. It was a simple white bikini with a black bow in the center and a white skirt at the bottom.

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