Chapter 8

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3rd POV

"LOVE!?!?!!???" Usopp and Chopper exclaimed loudly.
"Woah, woah, woah, woah! Just slow down a minute!" Nami begged shaking her hands in front of her body.
"Oh, that guys loves Bloom! So he's good." Luffy idiotically said.
"Don't be an idiot!!!!!!" Nami and Usopp yelled in unison, their teeth turning sharp like that of a beast.
"That's not possible." Zoro said.
"Bloom-swan! Please tell me it's not true."
"I do not know."
"What do you mean?" Nami asked now becoming much, much calmer.
"So that means no!! He's not her lover! He's just a liar!!" Sanji accused.
"I am not lying. Bloom is the love of my life." Delano said holding her hands gently and looking into her eyes tenderly but her orbs remained the same. Void and empty.
"Get your hands off of her!!" Sanji yelled about to grab the man's wrist but he skillfully let go on his own so Sanji fell on the gap between him and Bloom. Delano chuckled at the cook's fall while Bloom stared at the floor then back to the white haired male.
"Let's go Bloom." He grabbed her hand once again and started to walk away pulling Bloom with him, and in the process stepping on Sanji's body. Zoro let our a snicker which the cook quickly barked at.
"Shut it you useless swordsman!!!"
"Oi, oi! Where you taking Bloom?" Usopp asked nervously hiding behind Zoro.
"She's coming with me of course."
"Don't you think you're moving too fast brother?" Foster asked.
"Why do you want some random babe anyway?" Jonas wondered.
"She's not some random girl!"
"Oh. I see now." Robin finally spoke drawing all eyes toward her. "I didn't think it was true at first but now I're Bloom Einar, the Sacred Tactician."
"THE SACRED TACTICIAN!!!!!!?!??!?" Usopp and Nami exclaimed.
"Are you serious!?!!?" Sanji shouted.
"Who's that?" Luffy asked.
"You seriously don't know who that is!!?" Nami yelled and Luffy looked toward Robin so that she could explain. She was the brightest of their crew when it came to stuff like this.
"The Sacred Tactician is a Marine Captain and their leading strategist. I've only heard stories but she's known to have the most brilliant mind in the world. She had never lost a single battle and because of her, the Navy is winning the war against the Revolutionary Army. However, no one has ever reported what she looks like. I didn't expect her to be someone so young. You really are a genius."
"You're a Marine!!!?!??" Luffy exclaimed.
"Why didn't you say that before? Are you trying to capture us?" Usopp asked.
"Hey, wait a minute. That hat is familiar." Foster said to himself gazing at Luffy until it finally clicked inside his head. "Hey, what's your name kid?"
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I'm going to be the King of the Pirates!"
"Stop saying that!!!!!" Usopp yelled angrily slapping Luffy's hand which was then followed by Nami.
"Don't tell them who we are!!!!!"
"So you are the Straw Hat Pirates. I thought so." Foster murmured under his breath as the people who remained in the bar started to whisper among one another before running away to not get caught in whatever came next. In a matter of second the bar was empty leaving only the marines and the Straw Hats.
"Pirates?" Bloom repeated.
"Maybe you haven't heard of them because they're still pretty small time but they are started to grow more and more infamous. Do you want to capture them?" He asked with a small evil smirk causing Nami, Usopp, and Chopper to stiffen up with fear while the rest watched darkly preparing for whatever came next.
"W-What!? Why not?" Foster asked a little astonished by her answer. "They're Pirates."
"I was not ordered to."
"B-But still! That shouldn't matter."
"My orders were to stop the disruption so that is what I will do. Marine Captain Jonas, stop causing a scene."
"Now that you have dealt with that, shall we go?" Delano asked already pulling her away with him while the rest watched until she disappeared past the doors and out of their sight. And now, with her and the other marines gone, the bar fell absolutely silent.
"I can't believe Bloom was a marine." Chopper said sadly as Sanji picked himself up from the ground rejoining the group at the table.
"Bloom-swan doesn't seem like she cares she's a marine."
"The rug is right." Zoro agreed causing Sanji to whip his head around.
"What was that!!!?!?!?"
"What do you mean Zoro?" Chopper asked ignoring Sanji's anger.
"Think about it. What type of marine doesn't capture pirates. It doesn't matter if you were ordered or not, marines hate pirates. They're whole life is capture them so it doesn't make sense that she didn't care to capture."
"I guess. But maybe she's just by the book?" Chopper thought.
"Even if she was, a marine wouldn't get in trouble for capturing a pirate group even if they weren't ordered to. In fact, they would be rewarded."
"Zoro's right." Robin agreed.
"W-Well let's not think about it anymore. We're just lucky she didn't try to capture us. That would have been bad."
"I actually feel bad for her." Nami said.
"What?! Why!?" Usopp asked.
"Marines are normally passionate about their jobs. She doesn't look like she cares at all. I just don't get why she is still a marine."
"Maybe I can help with that." Robin spoke drawing their eyes to her. "The Sacred Tactician has been with the marines all her life. She was raised to become one of them, or at least that's how the rumors go."
"So it's the only things she knows?" Chopper asked to which Robin nodded confirming his answer. "I kinda feel bad for her."
"Well when you put it like that..." Usopp trailed but then shook his head furiously. "But she's still dangerous!!"
"She was funny." Luffy started with a neutral face causing Usopp to grow nervous as to where this conversation was headed.
"No, no, no, Luffy. Don't you dare...please!"
"And she's nice. She paid for our food."
"I don't like where this is going." Nami sweated as a wide grin started to come on Luffy's face.
"I want her to be on my crew!!!"
"NO!!!!!!!!!!" Usopp quickly protested screaming as loud as possible. "If we go after a girl like that she'll kill us for sure."
"I'm not going to die." Luffy replied.
"Just because you say it doesn't mean anything!!!!"
"ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!" Sanji yelled totally pumped up with hearts in his eyes. "This is the best decision you've ever made as a captain Luffy!! Let's save Bloom-swan!"
"I guess it's too late now. You have to go with it." Nami sighed with a smile as Robin giggled beside her.
"Captain's orders." Zoro smirked.
"Yeah!" Chopper agreed jumping in the air while Usopp looked at all of them frantically. It was too late. They had all already accepted the challenge and he could no longer fight it.
"F-Fine. The great captain Usopp will save the damsel in distress!"

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