Chapter 3

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3rd POV

Bloom stepped outside of her hotel room, now dressed in one of the outsides Garp has bought for her. It was a blue and black turtle neck with matching white shorts, black thigh high socks, and brown boots. Her wavy pink hair was left down, as usual.

She walked down the streets alone before finally finding a bench

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She walked down the streets alone before finally finding a bench. She sat down, watching strangled as the pedestrians passed by. Many people giving her weird looks considering all she did was stare at them. And she didn't even try to hide it.
"It is 1:15. I spent time outside." She said after looking at the watch on her wrist. Picking herself up, she started to walk away. There was no point in her staying outside any longer, so she returned back to her hotel room, grabbed a book, and locked herself inside. She spent days inside that room, without even leaving for anything. She simply read book and looked over battle plans. But on the fifth day, she realized she needed food. Her stomach couldn't take anymore so for the first time in days, she stepped outside. Despite the expressionless look on her face, the girl could barely walk straight. Her vision was starting to become hazy, and her steps were slow, going off in random directions. Even so, she tried to keep going but eventually, she couldn't any longer.
"Hey, are you alright? You don't look so good." She heard a male voice ask but it was too late. Before the man could do anything, her legs caved and she fell back. "Oh crap!! Are you alright!!!?" Crashing on the floor, the male quickly ran to her side and the last thing she saw before passing out were freckles, and worried, chocolate brown eyes.


By the time she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. A room for the looks of it and not a very big one. She blinked her eyes a few times, slowly picking herself up to sit properly. Her head was pounding but she decided to ignore it.
"You're finally up." A voice said causing the girl to look at him. She stared at him up and down, silently. He had raven hair parted in the center, brown eyes, and freckles. For some strange reason, this man decided not to wear anything other then shorts and a hat.
"You are Portgas D. Ace of Fire Fist Ace
"The one and only. That isn't a problem is it?" He asked with a small smirk. He clearly took pride in his name."
"Not for the time being. I have no orders to capture you, therefore, I will do nothing."
"Orders? Capture me?" He repeated but the gilt didn't go to explain. Instead, Bloom started to look around the room. It was small, only one bed with a desk across where Ace sat. That was basically all there was other then the dress next to the bed.
"I am in a hotel."
"You pick things up fast. What were you doing before? Why'd you pass out?" He asked but once again, she didn't answer her. For a while she was just silent, but finally she did something. Slowly she swung her legs over the side of the bed, about to walk away but her legs gave up on her. Ace quickly jumped out of his seat, snaking his arms around her waist so she wouldn't fall again. "You're still weak. You can't do that."
"I need food to get to full strength. 2.76 meals worth will bring me back to 100% function."
"O-Okay." He replied looking at her strangely. "Why don't you just say you are hungry. You're stomach is practically growling."
"That is what I said."
"Okay, why don't we go somewhere to eat?"
"Impossible. I cannot walk."
"I've got an easy solution for that." Ace smirked and the girl tilted her head to the side the smallest bit while keeping her same face. Suddenly, the raven haired pirates wrapped his arms under her thighs and lifted her up with ease. He walked out of the hotel, taking her to the world outside. "I think this is my luckiest day. I got to save and carry a beautiful young woman. I must be your prince in shining armor."
"I do not understand this term. You are a pirate, not a prince." She replied causing the man holding to her laugh at her obliviousness.
"You're a weird girl you know that."
"I am only stating facts."
"Okay, okay. Well, a restaurant is over there. Let's eat."
Ace took a right turn, sneaking into the door as the man before him entered. He looked around before finally deciding where to seat. Ace sat her down on the booth first and then went across for his seat. Not long later did a waitress finally arrive.
"Here are you're menus."
"Thanks." Ace smiled and the girl blushed a little suddenly growing more nervous.
"N-No problem sir...I-I'll be back to take your orders." She replied fumbling with her own fingers and casting her gaze on the floor before running off. Ace simply chuckled to himself but fell silent when his eyes landed on Bloom. The girl was simply staring at the space where the waitress once was.
"What's the problem?"
"What is?"
"Her fever came to fast."
"Fever?" Ace repeated in confusion, staring at Bloom, however slowly he started to realize what she was referring too. And when it hit him, he could not stop himself from laughing. "You really don't know anything do you?"
"Why are you making such a loud noise. Did I say something wrong? Her cheeks got red and she started to stutter, therefore she has a fever." Bloom explained simply not understanding why Ace was laughing at her the way he was. The man was practically holding his stomach, and when he was done he wiped the tear from his eye.
"You're like a baby."
"Impossible. I am 17."
"Not literally. I've never met anyone this oblivious before. Do you really not now why she was like that."
"There is a 77% chance she had a fever. 23% of some other variable affecting her. Therefore by that probability, she has a fever."
"She was like because she thought I was hot. Which wasn't wrong. A lot of girls think that about me." Ace explained but Bloom didn't understand at all. The girl just blinked her expressionless eyes a few times trying to decipher his words. But she couldn't it it all,  and before she even got the chance to ask, she was best to the punch.
"Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress asked nervously like before.
"I am. Are you?" Ace looked her way bur ghe girl's mind was clearly elsewhere. He called her again, snapping her out of her daze. The two of them ordered there food and somehow, Ace had more then she did. When their food arrived, she couldn't understand why he ate so much when he physically did not need to do. He had more plates then she did and she hadn't eaten in days.
"Why do his receptors not send his brain signals that he is full?" She asked lowly so only she heard when suddenly, Ace fell asleep mid bite. His face crashed onto his plate of food and within seconds, he was snoring. "92%, Narcolepsy."
"Oh no!! Is he alright!?" The waitress asked rushing to their table.
"Are you okay sir!!? Do you need me to take care of you!!?" The waitress cut focusing her attention on the sleeping Ace. Of course, considering he was asleep, Ace didn't answer yet the woman kept asking. Bloom on the other hand watched her pointless worry until finally, Ace picked his head up, a bit of sauce on his cheek. "YOU'RE UP!!!!????"
"I feel asleep again." Ace concluded sleepily with a long yawn before taking a bite of his food once again like nothing ever happened. The waitress on the other hand was in a state of shock. She stumbled back, her eyes still wide, and face a little blue, before suddenly dropping onto her knees.
"Low blood oxygen. She needs a doctor." Bloom said to herself looking at the fallen waitress as Ace kept eating.
"What'd you say?" Ace asked when suddenly the girl stood back on her feet, walking away.
"Illogical. She's cured?"
"Are you going to eat that?" He wondered pointing to her plate of food with his fork with his cheeks full of food already.
"I have yet reached 100% function." She answered taking a spoonful of rice to enjoy. Of course while she was eating, tried to sneak a bite for himself. She quickly used her spoon to hit his away and continue eating like nothing happened while Ace just laughed nervously. Dinner continued for thirty more minutes until Ace decided he was full enough, Bloom on the other hand finished a while ago.
"Here's the check. Is that all?" The waitress asked nervously, and this time it wasn't because of her little crush on Ace. At this point that man scared her with his little sleeping act earlier.
"That's all." Ace answered while Bloom took some money out to pay for the meal until Ace held her wrist and stopped her. "You don't have to pay for us."
"Us? I am paying for my own meal." She answered innocently causing the man and even the waitress to sweatdrop.
"W-Well....that doesn't matter. I can't have a beautiful lady pay for herself. I'll handle it." Ace then turned his head to the waitress handing her the money before leaving with Bloom. It was on their walk that the two realized that they had a room in the same hotel. The two entered the lobby, when Ace suddenly dragged her to the concierge for some reason without explaining.
"Hey, can I change the number of days I can stay in my room?" Ace asked.
"You want to extend it?"
"Yeah. I can do that right?"
"Why?" Bloom asked drawing Ace's eyes to her.
"Well, i only got the room because I needed a place to take you after you passed out in front of me. I didn't plan on staying here too long."
"Then leave." She said innocently causing him to sweatdrop once again. Even if she didn't mean it, her words were quite offends, but Ace had learned in this day that she meant nothing by it.
"I don't want to leave yet. I'll stay here for a few more days I think."
"Well, that might not be possible." The concierge interrupted drawing both eyes to him. "You're room has already been promised to someone else and we're booked solid."
"You've gotta be kidding."
"Sorry I'm not."
"Just great. What am I supposed to do know?" Ace asked himself running a hand in his hair in frustration when suddenly his expression changed, almost as if a lightbulb went off. And suddenly, he was smiling. "I've got it! I'll just stay with you. Hope you don't mind...." Ace trailed off at the end, just realizing that after all this time, he has never gotten her name. "I can't believe I didn't ask before, but what is your name."
"Bloom Einar."

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