Chapter 15

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I back away pulling Daisie with me. The group walks closer to me. 

I say " Daisie run. Follow me. "

We take off running. He hear them following us. Once we get to the church i start screaming.

" Rick!!! Carl!!!! Help!!! "

I see a lot of people start coming out of the church. I run into Carl's arms and he holds me tight. Taylor's dad stops infront of Rick and smiles. 

" Nice to see you again Rick. "

He turns to look at me.

" Wheres my son? "

I say " He's dead. "

" Bull shit. "

I say " We where at a safe place. Somebody got sick. Went around and Taylor got bit. "

" Why arnt you at this safe place then? "

I say " Its not safe anymore. Duh. Now why dont you go on somewhere. "

" You sure moved on fast didnt you. Did Taylor know you where a slut? "

I say " Me and Taylor never had anything going on. Why dont you mind your own bussiness. "

Rick says " You need to leave. "

" You know maybe you should leave. "

Rick says " Your out numbered here. "

" Looks can be tricky. "

I draw my gun and point it to him.

I say " If Taylor can shoot his own father i think i can shoot you to. "

" Oh hunny, your not gonna shoot me and you know it. "

He walks closer and i pull the trigger. I quickly drop my gun and cover my mouth with my hands. 

I say " Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. "

I turn and quickly walk back and forth. 

" Allicia. "

I look up at Rick with tears falling down my cheeks. 

He says " Its okay. He came to you. "

I say " I just killed somebody Rick. "

He says " Its okay Allicia. "

He wraps his arms hugging me. He holds me tight and i feel like Rick really cares for me. 

" Dad? "

I look over to Daisie who is looking in the woods. She looks like she has seen a ghost. 

" Dad!! "

She takes off running and is meeted with Daryl. I stay wrapped in Ricks arms crying. He rocks us back and forth trying to comfort me. I wipe my face and look at the dead body that Carl and a couple of other people are taking care of. I cant believe i killed him. After the stories i have heard from Taylor i dont feel sorry for him. Its just that i actually killed someone and for some reason i feel bad. This is why im not a good person. I push myself back some and look at Rick with my tear satined face.

I say " Thank you Rick. "

He says " Anytime. "

 I look down and walk into the church. I set the bag i have down and go into the little room. I sit down next to Kyle. He looks depressed or something. 

I say " Whats wrong with you? You look deppressed. "

He says "  I dont know. I just feel bad. Its just one of those feelings i guess. Whats wrong with you? "

I say " I just killed someone and then cried my eyes out. Kinda feel terrible. "

He says " You killed someone? Who? "

He looks at me with wide eyes and stares, waiting for an answer. 

I say " Taylor's dad. He came at me so i shot. I didnt men to. It just happened. It kinda just happened so fast."

He says " Oh. Im sorry. "

I say " Its just something i have to deal with. I cant go back now. "

He says " Yeah. Things will get better. They always do. "

I say " I sure hope so. Because right now everything is going down hill. Im just scared im going to loose Carl somehow. "

He says " Things always go down hill before they go up but dont worry. Your not going to loose Carl. He is in love with you and you can see it. "

I say " That dont mean anything though. Yeah i love him to but im just scared something is going to happen. Anything. So many things could happen in this world. You just never know. "

He says " Just dont think about it Allicia. If you dont think about it you wont worry. Then you can relax some more. "

I say " Thanks for listening Kyle. I now know why you and Carl are good friends. Your a great listener and most guys wouldnt have listened. "

He says " Hey, im always here. You know where to find me. Im never doing anything anyways. "

I say " Thanks. Ill come to you if i even need anything. "

I smile and get up and walk out of the room. I go to the bag i had and get some chips out. I open the bag and start eating. I start calming myself down. I feel lips press against my cheek and i smile, knowing its Carl. Its the little things like that, that make me the happiest. There to sweet. 

He says " I hope your feeling better. You didnt look so good earlier. "

I say " Yeah i am. Your dad was really sweet to. He didnt have to do that for me. "

He says " I think my dad really likes you. He seems like it anyways. "

I say " Well im glad. Im sure my family would of liked you. "

He says " Mine to. "

I smile and he does to. Soon where both leaning in and our lips meet. I dont even know where it came from. I just know we both leaned in and kissed. I pull back and look at him. 

I say " I love you Carl. "

He says " I love you to Allicia. "

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