Chapter 2

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As we walk to this prison i cant help but take a few glances at the kid. Hes totally a hottie and looks around my age. He looks at me as im looking at him and roles his eyes. I feel something grab my left hand. I look and see Taylor looking down at me. Is he jelous? He never really holds my hand unless its to help me move from danger. 

I say " Im Allicia by the way. I dont know if you guys wanna know. "

They all look at me and keep walking. Okay, no worries. We turn a corner and a huge building comes into view. It has fence around it and theres walkers on the outside. Not inside. 

Rick says " You gotta be quite, theres someone on the gaurd tower to open the gate. Ready?"

We all nod. Once the gate starts to open we all take off running into the gates. I pass through them without getting touched. The gates finnally shut after the boy comes in. I look and see a asian guy mixed in the group.

"Who are theese people? "

The boy says " There family now. "

He walks off and goes into the prison. 

I say " Im Allicia. "

Taylor says " Im Taylor. "

 The asian man says "Im Glenn. "

I say " Nice to meet you. "

He nods. I turn to look at the prison. 

" Come on. Well, as of tonight you guys are gonna have to share a bed. Is that okay? "

I look at Taylor and nod.

He says " Yeah thats fine. "

Rick says " okay come on. "

Me and Taylor follow him into the prison and into a empty cell with one bed. I set my bags down. 

Rick says " For saftey reasons can i have your weapons and were locking you in the cell. "

I say " Yeah. "

I hand him my gun and knife. 

He says " Can i check? " 

I nod and spead my body out for him to pat down. He pats me down and does the same thing to Taylor.  I set my bags down and climb in bed and cuddle up to the wall. I fell Taylor do the same and i hear the door shut and lock. 

Taylor says " Do you think were safe? "

I say " I think so. "

He says " I do to. Now get some sleep. "

I say " Yeah, you to. "

I close my eyes thinking about my family and fall asleep.


I wake up cuddled up to someone and having a arm around my waist. I look over and see Taylor. I shake him.

i say " Taylor get off of me. "

I wiggle out of his grip and get up out of bed. Our door is sitting open so Rick must have opened it.  I walk out and see a bunch of people. I see Rick adn walk to him.

I say " Do you have a shower or something? Everyone looks so clean. "

He says " Yeah go down that hall and you should find it. if you look in the lockers there will be the things you need in there. You keep it and use it as needed. "

I say " Thanks. "

I follow the hallways and go into the shower room with the girls marked on it. I look through the lockers and find some shampoo, conditioner, soap, a razor and some shaving cream.  I go over to the shower and turn it on. Warm water starts coming out. I undress and take a shower. 


once i finish my shower and get dressed, i go back to my cell and set everything in my bag. I see Taylor staring at me.

I say "What? "

He says " Your wet. "

I say " They have showers. "

He says "No way. Where? "

I say " Down that hall. Go into the boys. "

He takes off running. I giggle and go to our bed. I make it and sit down. 

"So i heard my little sister was here. I guess they were right. "

I look up and see my brother.I scream and run and hug him.

I say "Dylan what are you doing here? "

He says " That boy. Carl. he saved my life. "

I say " The kid with the sherriff hat? "

He says " Yeah. You watch out for his girlfriend."

I say " Witch is who? I dont know anybody but Rick and Taylor. "

He says " Come on. Ill show you everyone. "


Okayso i met a bunch of people.

Daryl is the badass.

Michonne is the female badass.

Carl is the boy i met.

Kyle witch is carls best friend.

Judith is Carls little sister.

Tullia is Carls big sister. 

Rick is the leader.

Maggie is the brown country girl.

Beth is the blond country girl. 

Hershal is the doctor.

Lizzie and Mika are the little sisters.

Carol is like a mother figure to most people.

Murron is Carls other sister. 

Ashton is a really sweet girl. Seems like she was a mother once.

Shane, man Shane's scary.

That's all I met so far. It's amazing how so many people can be here and think there safe. What happens when this goes down? I bet most of them don't know what it's like out there. They wouldn't last. Maybe there is something that they teach here. I mean it seems stable enough. I walk into my cell and dig through my bag.

"What are you looking for? "

I turn to see a girl my age. 

I say " Nothing why? "

She says " oh i dont know. I saw a totally hot boy in here looking through the bag. Just thought maybe he took something. "

i say " Yeah that was Taylor. This is his bag to. we share. "

She says "So what your boyfriend and girlfriend? "

I say " No. He's just like my brother. "

She says " Oh good means he's free. Just stay away from Carl. Thats my boyfriend. No one goes near him. "

I say " And stay away from Taylor. Then everything should be good. "

She says " Yeah we will see about that. "

She turns and walks off. I look in my bag and pull my phone out. I put my earbuds in and start listening to music as i go around exploring the prison.

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