Chapter 7

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Dear Allicia, 

I knew i wasnt going to make it. I just had this feeling. But you? You can stay strong. You can live and beat this. Theres no reason for self harm, theres no reason for you to cry yourself to sleep, theres no reason for you not to be happy. Your depressed side is starting to show. Fix it because i want you to be happy. Mom would of wanted you to be happy. Everyone wants you happy. Your so beautiful, and stunning theres no reason for any of it. 

Im really sorry i left you when i just got you back. It was for the best.  I didnt just tell them to kill me. I went down with a fight im sure. I dont really know because i wrote this before we left. Just to be safe. Im keeping it in my back pocket so if something does happy i can give it to Rick to give to you when you wake up. I wanted to say good bye to my little sister. Just know that i love you so much. You can beat this world. I know that. Good bye darling. 



A tear falls down my cheek as i read the letter. I cant believe hes gone. I sit in my bed with the letter in my hands. Im just staring at it. I hear a knock and turn my head to see a brown sherriff's hat.  I scoot over some and pat the open space next to me. He comes in and sits next to me. 

I say " How long was i out? "

He says " A couple of days."

I  say "How many? "

He says " 8. "

I say " what all happened? "

He says " Uhmm well you see theres this man. Out to get the prison. A little went down with him. Daryl found his daughter, Savannah got bit. A man from a long time ago came back. Daryl's brother. "

I say " Wait wait wait. Daisie is here? And Merle? "

He says " Daisie yes. Merle not so much. How do you know them ? "

I say " Our families where close before. I was with Daisie for a while. Then stuff happened. Do you have any food? "

He says " We always have food here. "

I say " Right, im so used to being out with Taylor. Do you think maybe you could get me some? "

He says " Yeah. Ill bring back some candy to. "

I say " Sounds awesome. "

He gets up and leaves. I stare at a wall. I hear foot steps.

" Hey i was wondering if you have any- Wait sorry wrong cell. "

She looks up at me and her eyes go wide.

I say "Daisie. "

She runs over to me and hugs. I tense up and she looks at me.

She says "whats wrong? "

I uncover myself and lift my shirt up. She sees the bandage and her eyes go wide.

She says " Your bit. "

I say " No. Gunshot. "

She sits in the spot Carl was in and stares at me.

She says "What happened to you? "

I say " i saw someone. I went to find you but i couldnt. Thought maybe you saw him to. I went back to the house. Thought maybe you did and i saw my mom being torn to shreds. Taylor came in and saved my life. "

She says "Taylor is a nice guy. "

I say " Yeah he is. But what were you looking for? "

She says "Shampoo. "

I say " I have some in my cell. But i cant get up so if you go ask Taylor im sure he can give it to you. "

She says " Thanks. "

I nod and she gets up, smiles at me and leaves. Shortly after she leaves, Carl come in with a tray of food. He hands it to me with a spoon. Mac and cheese, raviolli and baked beans. Lots of it. 

He says "Carol said you needed to eat. Your system is weak. "

I say " Thats alot of food. "

He chuckles and smiles.

He says " Good thing i grabbed a extra spoon. "

He holds up a spoon with a smirk on his face.

I say " Thank god. "

I shift and make a lot of room for him to come up and sit next to me. He does and hands me the tray. I take a spoon full of mac and cheese and start eating along with him. 

He says "So, did you hear everything we said to you when you where out? "

I say " Yeah. "

 He says " You know i got shot when i was little. Same spot you did. Then my dad got shot right before the outbreak. Same spot. "

I say " Thats kinda cool. "

He says " When you were out you were talking in your sleep. "

I say " i was? What did i say ?"

He says " Well it sounded like you where haveing a conversation with someone. Possibly my mom. How does she look ?"

I say " Well. She looks absolutly beautiful. She has stunning green eyes and flowing brown hair. She was in a beautiful white dress. It hugged her body perfectly. And she has a killer smile. You look like her. A lot. "

I see a small tear roll down his face. I slowly slip my hand into his and hold it tight. 

I say "She was happy Carl. I never once saw her frown or  show any sign of sadness. She truley is in a better place. "

He says " I know. I just miss having her around. Or having her to hold me when im sad. "

I say " Well im here for that now. "

He looks at me and just stares at me.

I say " I know everything you said when i was out. And i think i have feelings for you to. When i look at you everything is okay. Nothing is wrong. There is no out break, there is no gunshot, there is no bad memories, there is no cuts on my body. Its just me and you. I dont know what it is. I never really had feelings for anyone like this before and i dont know what im supposed to do. "

He looks at me and then down to my lips. He starts leaning in. I do as well and soon enough our lips connect. Its not sparks going off its like theres a elephant on my stomach. But im not gonna lie i think this is the best kiss i have ever had. Even though this is my first kiss. 

We both pull back and look each other in the eyes. A smile forms on my face as reality hits me.

I whisper " Im the girl."

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