Chapter Four

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We all waited that night for anything to happen.
"This is stupid, we've been waiting for three hours and nothing has happened." Hannah frustratedly said as she lent on the car window.
"No keep watching. We have to find out what she is hiding." I said intrigued.
"Right well we're going to have to look inside" Jay announced as he grabbed his bag from the back seat.
"What? No we can't just stumble in there like nothing's happened. She will know we've followed her." I rushed.
"Right then, we'll go around the back and see if there's like a window or another door or something." Hannah explained as she opened the car door. We all got out and silently went around the barn. At the side there was a window, the only problem was it was too high up to just climb in.
"Well this is great it's too hight up." Jay sighed and looked around wondering how we would get up.
"Even if it was lower how would we get in?" Hannah asked
"I'm pretty sure it's one that you can just pull open, well that's if it isn't locked at the other side." Jay replied
"Give me a leg up." I told them.
"It's not that easy, there's not a ledge you can hold on to." Jay explained
"I'll quickly pull it open to see if it's locked or not and if it's locked we're going to have to go through the door." I interpreted.
Jay and Hannah then lifted me up and I pulled the widow open getting clear view of no one to be seen inside. Just then Hannah collapsed and I fell on my ankle.
"Oh my god are you okay? I'm so sorry Violet!" Hannah panicked.
"I've twisted my ankle I can't stand on it." I agonisingly said in pain.
"Right, this is too dangerous, Hannah you stay with Violet and I'll bring the car around and we can climb on that to get in." Jay anxiously spoke
"Wait won't she hear the car." Hannah asked
"Hopefully not." Jay replied as he took out his keys from his pocket.
Jay and Hannah helped me in the car and told me to stay there to rest my ankle.
Hannah and Jay climbed on the roof and squeezed in the little square window. When they fit through they found them selfs on a long rectangular platform which was half the barn size upstairs with no walls so they had a view of the whole barn.
"Where is Elizabeth?" Hannah asked
"I don't know but I kinda hope she is in here so that the window thing wasn't a waste of time." Jay replied. They climbed down the ladders to find a sleeping bag and food wrappers.
"She's been staying here?" Hannah questioned.
"Looks like it. Maybe it's her hide out place, like she's hiding from someone." Jay intriguingly said.
Hannah and Jay looked at each other worriedly. Jay continued "Let's look around, maybe there's something to tell us why she is here."
As Hannah looked through her bedding she came across a book that was under her pillow.
Meanwhile I was in the car with my feet up resting my ankle, waiting for the others to return just then I saw Elizabeth mysteriously appearing from the woods and cautiously heading to the barn. I grabbed my phone and rang Jay as fast as I could. Jay picked up:
"What's up Violet your ankle okay?"
"Forget about my ankle. You need to get out as fast as possible or hide Elizabeth's heading your way." I panicked
"Okay okay coming now. Where the hell has she come from we never saw her leaving?" Jay asked
"No idea. Come quick." I put down the phone and worriedly waited. Jay and Hannah returned out of breath and Jay drove off fast.
"Find anything?" I asked praying for something that would tell us about her.
"Nothing." replied Jay we both looked at Hannah.
"Yeah. I found a book it was hidden under her pillow."
Jay pulled over to the side of the road to stop so he could look at the book which had a padlock on it.
"This shouldn't be a problem to pick. Violet could you pass me the tin box under your seat?" Jay asked reaching over and pointing to under the seat.
I passed it to him, he opened it and he had things to pick locks with in.
"Your very prepared." Hannah told him.
"You never know what's around the corner." Jay replied.
When Jay eventually broke into the book we discovered that this what Elizabeth's diary that she had kept for the last five years.
"Oh my god. You know what this means we can know more then we ever thought." Hannah ecstatically said.
"In here is her secrets. We can finally know what she has been hiding and who the person in the car was." I said surprised. We all looked at each other in wonder and then the book. Jay broke the silence "Well, what are we waiting for?"

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