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Once I closed Harry's front door  I noticed a car parked right in front of the house

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Once I closed Harry's front door  I noticed a car parked right in front of the house. I mumbled curses and expletives under my breath as I got into the backseat. Niall was once again sitting on the passenger side, my father was driving, and now Zayn was sitting beside me.

"So, how did it go?" Niall turned to smirk at me. He knew what he was doing to me was pushing my buttons. "From the look on your face, I'm assuming it's not good." He chuckled.

As I was about to lift my arm and close my fist ready to hit that smirk right off his face, I felt someone touching my arm and saw Zayn a look basically telling me to let it go "It's not worth it." He whispered. I huffed in annoyance because I knew he was right.

Getting to Geneva wasn't an issue. We took a private plane, which I was wondering where they had the money to even afford one.  I wasn't bothering to ask because I wasn't going to like the answer. It was weird not having Duke go on a mission with me. We were usually are a team. But it was smart not to bring him into this, at least not yet.

"From what our contact in Geneva said was that here..." Niall spoke from one of the seats on the plane, pointing to a blueprint of a building. "This is where the main part of their operations are. Now, for some reason, the doctor is here." He explained as I noticed he was pointing to a separate building a few hundred feet from the other one. "That's where we need to get in there and destroy any information they have, if the therapy is already created we have to get as much as we can."

I nodded my head along. "And finally bring Milo into custody." I noticed all three men looked at me and then at each other. "What?" I asked, it was obvious they knew something that I wasn't privy too.

"Milo is most likely not in Geneva at the moment. We got a hit that he is in Italy." My father was the first to speak.

"Okay..."I was confused as to what the issue was. "Then we should go to Italy and get him there."

"It was either get Milo or get the research. We chose..." Niall said before I hit my hand on the table in disapproval.

"You've go to be fucking joking me. Did you all decide this without me?" I was disgusted by the idea that they would take this route without even thinking about other options. This was not the way to do it.

"That's exactly what we did. You are too close to him." Niall said, getting up from the seat. 

"And what's the problem with that? I want this man locked away in prison just like everyone else." I gritted through my teeth. The anger and hurt I felt with Milo were still there, I was also embarrassed that he played me like a fool the entire time we were together. I hated the idea that Niall was holding this over my head.

"You are too emotionally attached. It would be a better idea if we got him when you weren't with us. We know you can be a bit...." My father started by saying, pausing trying to figure out the right words to say. "Rash in your thought process."

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