T H I R T Y - S E V E N (Epilogue)

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Give me some morphine

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Give me some morphine

Is there any more to do?

The feeling of something wet hitting me brought me back to consciousness. I moaned softly as I opened my eyes. While I was relieved that I was very much alive I finally took in my surroundings and I felt a pit in my stomach. At that moment I felt nothing but dread. It was raining. 

 It was not raining when I arrived at the mansion with Niall and Zayn.

The last thing I remembered was the mansion on fire and me helping Harry back to safety. I was convinced an explosive had gone off and I was knocked out. 

Harry was nowhere to be found.

Nobody I knew was nearby.

I was disturbed as I walked down the alleyway. The smell of rain and garbage hit my nostrils. My sense of sound finally reached me as I noticed the sound of cars and buses driving by. The lights of billboards and off office buildings lit up the dreary night sky.

I was most definitely not in London

I wasn't even in England from the looks of it.

That's when I looked down to evaluate any damage I had sustained from my fight with Maeve. I looked down in horror as I realized I wasn't wearing the blacktop and black pants I had been wearing when we saved Harry and Nina. I touched my head and was horrified. My hair was the same length, but my hair was not the dark raven hair color I had. It was now dyed in a reddish color. I noticed I was also wearing skin tight dress and heels.

"Hey, watch it." Someone yelled at me as I felt them knocking me aside. I must have looked like some lunatic, just standing there. I looked around and saw a good number of people walking on the sidewalk. That told me right away that I was some type of city. But I couldn't think straight as my head was pounding. I needed help. I needed to get in contact with someone. I didn't have anything on me except for my dress and my shoes. I gradually made my way down the sidewalk. It wasn't until I saw a coffee shop. It was still open but it was clear workers were cleaning up. I didn't even have to think twice as I walked across the street and pushed opened the door.

There were only two workers in the coffee shop, and they stopped what they were doing once they saw me walking in. Both terrified and concerned were plastered on their faces. You and me both.

Running with the thieves

'Cause you left me in the hallway

(Give me some more)

Just take the pain away

That's when I noticed they still had music playing. That voice sounded so familiar.


Was that Harry?

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