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this fucking free. i just got home from working a 16-hour shift so pls excuse me if there's some fucked grammar 🖤


Why is this mansion so fucking big?

I feel like all I've done these past couple of weeks is clean and it's exhausting the fuck out of me. Plus the fact that I haven't gotten any good sleep is annoying.

I tried to sleep the first day I was taken here once Millie left and after Harry forced me to take some medicine but I couldn't help but be paranoid and stay up the whole night.

I stayed up all night.

Then last night I fell asleep for I think like four hours and woke up to the sound of Harry blasting rock music at fucking five in the morning before barging into my room and telling me I had to go start cleaning.

That's how I ended up here, in a pair of black sleep shorts and a blue and green tie-dye t-shirt with my long curly hair falling recklessly in front of my face, scrubbing the fucking entryway to this house.

I was used to cleaning Eric and I's apartment but this is a whole different story.

It would take me not even half an hour to clean everything in that apartment and right now I'm on hour number three of cleaning and I've only gotten to the living room, kitchen, and the floors. I still have to clean the downstairs bathroom, clean the windows, and do laundry.

I'll be lucky if I make it through the fucking week.

I'm very glad that none of the men besides Harry have tried talking to me or asking me of anything. Then again I don't know if they are allowed to talk to me or something but either way I'm pleased about it. They are all very intimidating and it doesn't mix well with my 'be tough' act. I really don't want to show how truly frightened I am of these men but I can't help it.

This place is slowly breaking down my walls and I can feel myself slowly fading back into the darkness I so desperately tried to keep lit.

I realize that I have been scrubbing the same spot on the floor for god knows how long and my arm is getting sore. I throw the scrub brush back into the soapy bucket and stand up, finally done with the floors. Once I straighten my back, I realize just how sore it is and how sore my knees are.

Nursing does that shit to you.

The front door suddenly opens, making me jump and lose my balance. I slip on the wet floors and land right on my ass.

"Holy fuck!!" I yell, not being able to control the words coming out of my mouth.

A man that I don't recognize rushes through the doorway and once he sees me, he rushes over to me with concern washed over his face.

"I'm not going to hurt you." The strange man says to me reaching his hand out to take ahold of my arm which only causes me to flinch away from him.

I feel as if I'm paralyzed looking at this man, scared he might hit me. I already have a horrible bruise on my face and my hand hurts horribly since I haven't taken any medication yet. I just need my space so that I can do my cleaning, cook god knows what for Harry, and go up to my room and be alone. I don't want attention on me now, especially since I'm waiting for a plan to escape.

The blue-eyed man looks at me with a sympathetic glare and takes another step towards me. In fear, I push myself as far as I can away from him as my heart pounds out of my chest. I pinch my eyes shut and pray to whatever god that exists that I won't get hit. I hate that I'm letting my barriers down but in this situation it's inevitable.

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