twenty five

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In all of two days since the shopping trip with Harry, Niall, and Millie I've gotten 164 missed called from Eric and 12 new text messages.

At this point, I'm so annoyed with the motherfucker that I'm about to offer to drive Harry to my apartment myself just so he can officially get this kid out of my life.

I get that Harry needs to plan this out and be smart about it but I'm sick of waiting. I just need him out of my life already even if it has to come to this.

I want to be happy for once.

I still can't believe that Harry said that shit to Eric on the phone. I've never heard anyone speak to Eric like that before and it was honestly the most therapeutic experience to hear it. I will always cherish that memory in a special place in my heart.

Also, I've been extremely annoyed the past couple of days all because of Harry.

He didn't let me pay for a single thing when we all went shopping because he said it was his job or something stupid like that. He had to have spent like a thousand dollars on stuff for me and I feel so fucking bad about it. I could've easily paid for it myself but his stubborn ass didn't let me.

I somehow managed to pay for some things when we all went to a small thrift store but Harry got mad the second he saw me inserting my card into the machine to pay.

I hate when people buy anything for me, even if it's a two-dollar sandwich. It makes me feel guilty.

I will admit, I'm happy that I got way more than I planned on. Almost every store we went in had really good sales so I had to take advantage of it.

I got a pair of mom jeans, a lot of band t-shirts since I don't have any of mine anymore, bathing suits, flare pants, doc martins, and some beauty stuff. Of course when Millie dragged me into Victoria Secret with her, she was begging me to buy every piece of lingerie but I refused. There is already a lot of stuff back home that I could easily use so there's no need for me to buy anything else.

Besides, they are really expensive.

Harry on the other hand couldn't take his eyes off me and was shooting seductive grins at me every time we locked eyes in the store. I know the thoughts going through his head weren't pure but then again when are they ever pure.

Ever since the mall, I haven't seen too much of Harry since he's been working like crazy but he did write me a tiny letter this morning that said;

"good morning darling,

i hope you slept well. i hopefully shouldn't be home late. thank you for the food.

call if you need anything - H"

When I found this letter sitting on the kitchen counter under my phone, the widest smile ever flashed across my face. Especially after I opened my phone and saw that he put his number in my contacts.

Ever since then, I've managed to get a lot of things done around the house. I cleaned and organized the living room, cleaned the kitchen and downstairs bathroom, mopped all the floors, and did a shit ton of laundry.

I swear Harry doesn't know how to do laundry and by the amount of clothing he goes through in a week, he should probably learn.

One thing that worried me though is that when I was separating his laundry, I found one shirt that was just about soaked in blood. All the surrounding clothes were soaked as well and it was a bloody mess.

I had to soak them in a bathtub first before I even tried to put them in the washer.

Harry's lucky I know how to get blood out of clothes though. I've gotten blood on my scrubs plenty of times to learn tricks on how to get it out.

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