forty two

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this is gonna get bloody.



After about two hours of driving to bumblefuck nowhere, Zayn and I finally arrive at the Renascent headquarters.

This place has my fucking mind blown into pieces right now. I always thought the warehouses for Inprobus were huge but those warehouses have nothing on this building.

The entire building is a dark navy green with three levels. It has a beautiful eastern redbud tree which happens to be my favorite tree. The leaves are still a beautiful shade of pink despite the fall season changing the colors of the leaves. There is also a tall wired gated enclosure around the entire building.

Zayn drives around the back of the building where a large parking garage is. The sign above the entrance to the parking garage says 'DO NOT ENTER' which leads me to believe this is only used for the members of Renascent.

Zayn drives up next to a guard and shows him an ID card before telling him quietly that I'm with him.

The man nods and makes a call quickly before allowing us through the metal gate into the parking garage.

Zayn parks my car in the closest spot next to a door that I think leads into the building.

"Stay in here. I'll open the door for you." Zayn says seriously.

I listen to him since he is the only person I know right now. Even though I don't really trust Zayn, I'm going to trust him right now.

Honestly, I think the only reason he put the gun to my head earlier was to get me to comply. I get that only to a certain point but maybe I'm just fucked up.

Zayn opens my door for me and once I get out I grab my purse and Zayn reaches in the backseat to grab my bag.

He locks the car before tucking my keys in my purse and he holds his hand out for me to grab which I do. Once our hands are interlocked, we head towards the door to enter the building.

Zayn scans his ID again and the door opens automatically. Once the door opens, six armed men are standing on the other side of the door with loaded guns sitting at their sides. They are all dressed in Renascent uniforms and they all have many tattoos littered all over their body.

Zayn pulls me behind him through the door and as we are about to pass the men, three of them walk in front of us and three of them walk behind us as if they're guarding us.

"Zayn." He turns his head to look at me. "I'm getting pretty nervous."

He lightly smiles at me and squeezes my hand.

"You have nothing to be nervous about. They are here to protect you." He explains.

I nod my head but I can't stop my heart from beating out of my chest.

We all walk down a few long hallways towards more and more doors which all look the same but once we reach one door, Zayn pauses and looks over at me.

"You ready?" He asks me.

I shrug my shoulders at him. "I guess."

I don't know what to expect on the other side of this door but if this is Renascents headquarters like Zayn says it is, then I know everything will be okay.

He chuckles at me and then scans his ID card to open the last door. The door slides open and reveals a wide-open room.

We walk through the threshold and I immediately see more men dressed in the same attire as the ones surrounding Zayn and me.

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