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next tattoo on my sleeve? i think soooo. suggest some more tattoos for meee


When I tell you that my hand is fucked, it's fucked.

I fractured three knuckles, broke my pinky, dislocated my ring finger, and fucked up some nerves. The bruises on my hand got drastically worse as they are now a mix of deep shades of purple and yellow. The swelling has also caused my hand to look twice its size and I was forced to take medicine to reduce it for a cast to be put on my hand.

I always knew that I've had anger issues, no doubt. I get angry or upset over little things that shouldn't have that effect on me and I lash out. I've learned how to control it a lot better growing up. I've done a lot of things from yoga to working out to help my anxiety and anger. Once that girl brought up Liam in the club all those tactics went out the window. I've never felt so angered in my whole life during that moment. It still makes me mad but right now all I can think about is seeing him again. Even talking to him will make me the happiest person in the world.

A loud ring echoes in Blake's car causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I look over to him and see how he rolls his eyes.

"Jesus christ Harry." He says under his breath making me slap my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Blake declines the phone call and hands me his phone.

"Can you text that bugger and tell him we are almost back to the house?" I nod my head and start typing the message into the phone.

God, I missed the feeling of a phone. I never realized just how much that little screen had control over my life. I was so dependent on it and now it feels like years since I've touched one.

I will admit, it is very hard to text with a cast on.

I send the message and almost immediately after, Harry responds.

Hurry. It shouldn't have taken three hours for her hand to get checked.

I chuckle at the screen and read it out to Blake before giving him his phone. He chuckles and puts his phone back in his pocket before continuing the drive in silence.


Blake enters the code to the front door and we both enter the luxurious house to see Harry sitting on the couch now fully clothed with his phone in his hand. Next to him are Niall, Zayn, and the blue-eyed one who I really need to know his name.

"Took you long enough," Harry speaks up coldly to Blake. He stands up and walks over to me as I take my shoes off.

I watch him as he walks over to us and just the way he radiates his confidence is sexy.

"You knew it would take long, don't be like that," Blake says back. "Here." He goes to hand Harry a handful of papers which happens to be my whole medical history.

"Hey-" I snap and take my papers from Blake. "That's illegal you know."

All of the boys start to laugh and I look around at all of them confused.

"Love, we are in a gang. We don't care about laws." Harry says to me as he tries to hide a grin.

Now, why in the fuck wouldn't I have thought of that?

"How's the hand?" I shrug my shoulders and look down at the red cast on my hand.

"Better I guess. I had some dislocated fingers and three knuckles are fractured along with a broken pinky." I say.

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