Chapter 9

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     "Sherfey, it's time to get up for watch," another female whispered as she nudged Tabitha's arm.  

     "Okay," Tabitha mumbled, unable to believe it was already 0300.  Hadn't she just lain down?  Quickly she climbed out of her rack, knowing that if she stayed there another second she would fall back asleep.  In what felt like slow motion, she opened her locker and pulled out one of the dungaree uniforms she had designated for watchstanding.  She felt utterly lethargic as she took off her sleepwear and put on her uniform, but more than anything she felt hopelessly frustrated.  Today would be the ship's third day underway and she felt as though she didn't know any more about standing watch on the bridge than she had on the first day.  She honestly didn't know how much longer she could deal with being around Reid. The girl continually glared at her and spoke to her harshly whenever she did speak to her.  Now, on top of that, she terribly dreaded pulling into Naples in eleven days because that would mean having duty every three days with Marple, Fletcher, and Garwood.  To make matters worse, she'd only seen Jason twice since they'd gotten underway and both times he'd seemed preoccupied.  

     Tabitha quietly walked through the dark berthing and into the head to brush her teeth and pin up her hair.  As she stood at a  sink and brushed her teeth, she noticed that the ship was rocking more heavily than it had so far.  She also couldn't deny the queasiness she felt in the pit of her stomach.  Reid will be sure to get a laugh if I get seasick in front of her. 

     "Baby Girl, are you okay?" Williams had just stepped out of a stall.  "You look a little pale." 

     "I'm alright," Tabitha lied as she pinned up her hair.  She was afraid that if she started talking about everything that was troubling her right now she would start crying and neither she nor Williams had time for that.  

     "Be sure to take your foul weather coat up to the bridge with you," Williams advised as she washed her hands.  "I heard it's gotten really cold." 

    "I will," Tabitha replied.  "Thanks." She then gathered her toothpaste, toothbrush, and comb and tiptoed back into the berthing area.  

     As Tabitha stepped back into the berthing, she noticed that the door on the other end of the compartment was swinging open and that Reid was walking through it, no doubt on her way up to the bridge early.  One of the things the girl was known for was her punctuality.  As she put her things away, Tabitha found herself wondering for about the hundredth time why it seemed she was the only person Reid seemed to have a problem with.  How could someone who was known for always showing up early and being such a hard worker be so cruel to her? 

     Tabitha put on her foul weather coat and ball cap, walked out of the berthing and into the passageway, and slowly began climbing the ladders that led up to the bridge.  When she reached her destination, she was able to see through the semi darkness that Reid was standing beside the boatswain's mate's table.  The two girls would be the messenger of the watch for the first hour, then they would go to starboard lookout from there.  Tentatively, Tabitha took her place near the boatswain's mate's table as well.  Here on the bridge, she could definitely tell that the ship was rocking significantly harder than it had since they'd gotten underway. 

     "Sherfey, is that you?" Tabitha recognized O'Connor's voice, only her friend didn't sound like her normal cheerful self.  She turned around to find the girl standing behind her.  Even with minimal light, Tabitha could see that she wasn't feeling well.  Her shoulders were slumped and her eyes looked droopy.  

     "O'Connor are you okay?" Tabitha asked.  

     "I'm sicker than I've ever been in my life," O'Connor moaned.  "I've had to lean over the side of the ship twice to vomit.  I feel terrible." 

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