Chapter 4

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     Jason pulled his car into the parking lot of the three story apartment building where the party was being held.  As he parked the car, he looked around.  Even though it was already dark, he could see underneath the security lights that there were only a few parking spots left.  This must be a major party, he thought.  Just then, he heard tires squealing.  He turned his head toward the direction of the noise and saw a red two door car being parked three parking spots down from where he had parked.  A door slammed and someone stepped out.  Jason hesitated for a moment to see who it was, knowing that the person was obviously angry about something.  

     Even though she looked quite a bit different out of her dungaree uniform and in civilian clothes, Jason recognized her immediately.  It was the short, stocky third class who mostly worked in the deck office, the one whom Garwood referred to as his "stash," along with all the other names he called her.   Jason remembered the girl's last name then; it was Langley.  He wondered if Garwood had done something to make her mad.  

     Jason got out of his vehicle then and stepped up onto the sidewalk that surrounded the parking lot.  Langley must've heard him  because she stopped walking and whipped her head around.  

     "Dodson," she said, sounding a bit surprised.  She ran her fingers through her obviously fake blond, over processed hair as if to do some last minute primping.  She was wearing a black turtleneck and black jeans that Jason couldn't help but notice were way too tight for her.

     "Hey Langley," Jason said.  "You were able to get away from the office and do some partying tonight, huh?" 

     "I have to take care of some other business first," she said with a raised voice, looking angry again.  Jason noticed that she was looking upward.  He looked up in the same direction and saw that up on the third floor balcony there were probably about fifteen people standing outside; most of them had beer bottles in their hands.  It looked as if this party was well underway. 

     Langley took a step, then hesitated as if she were waiting for Jason.  Jason realized that he didn't want to give anyone the impression that he had come to the party with her. 

     "I'll be up there in a few minutes," Jason told her, turning his head toward his car to make it seem as though he had left something inside.  He stepped off the sidewalk, got back into his car and sat there for a couple of minutes, giving Langley plenty of time to walk up the stairs to the top floor.  He didn't like to lie to anyone, and he hadn't lied, he told himself.  He had simply told her he would be up there in a few minutes and that was true. 

     This time when Jason stepped out of his car, he felt a cold raindrop land on his cheek.  Judging from the way the clouds had looked earlier, there would be some heavy rainfall tonight.  Jason didn't care though, all he knew was that he was ready to start drinking. 

     When Jason reached the third floor balcony, he discreetly looked through the group of people who were standing outside drinking to see if he recognized anyone.  He didn't see anyone he recognized, but he noticed some of the girls eyeing him appreciatively. 

     "Hey man, you from the Invincible?"  one of the guys in the group asked, looking at Jason.

     "Yeah man, I just came on board last Monday," Jason replied. 

     "Just go in the front bathroom, the bathtub is filled with beer and ice," the guy explained. "Help yourself." 

     That sounded good to Jason.  "Thanks man."

     Jason opened the door.  "Pour Some Sugar On Me" by Def Leppard was blaring from a boom box and a thick cloud of cigarette smoke hung in the air.  Jason closed the door behind him and stepped into what was a living room and kitchen combination.  In the center of the living room was a rust colored sofa that looked as though it might break down with the weight of the ten people who were piled on top of it, drinking, smoking, and laughing.   There were small groups of guys and girls all along the carpet, some standing and some sitting.  Almost everyone held either a beer can or a beer bottle. 

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