Chapter 7

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     "You're so lucky!" O'Connor squealed as she sat in a chair beside the mirror Tabitha was using to apply her makeup.  "Do you have any idea where you guys are gonna go?" 

     "I have no idea," Tabitha said as she stood over the sink and carefully put on mascara.  "He just said it would be in Virginia Beach somewhere nice." Tabitha's heart skipped a beat.  The past four weeks had been incredible.  She and Jason had been spending many evenings after work together as well as at least a portion of their weekends.  They had been back to the Ocean View beach a couple of times to play volleyball, gone bowling at the bowling alley on base, played basketball over at the gym, and just rode around in Jason's car and listened to music.  Tabitha had wanted to ask him more about what had happened at the party that night and why exactly he had decided to take her away from it.  Each time they were together, though, everything felt just right and she didn't want to bring up anything unpleasant to spoil it.  A few days ago, he had told her that tonight, the night before the ship got underway for the Med cruise, he wanted to take her to dinner at a fancy restaurant.  When Williams heard about it, she had insisted that Tabitha must have a new outfit for the occasion.  The two girls had taken a cab to Military Circle Mall and found a shimmery red, sleeveless floor length evening gown with a v-neck.  Williams had told her she would look like a movie star in it.  Now, as Tabitha stood looking in the mirror wearing the gown along with matching red pumps, red teardrop earrings , and her hair down, she had to admit, she was pleased with the way she looked.  She wondered what O'Connor thought about her appearance.  

     "Girl, you look gorgeous," O'Connor said as though she could read Tabitha's mind.  Then her voice became a loud whisper.  "Have you guys, you know, done it yet?" 

     Tabitha felt her face flush.  "Of course not!" she exclaimed a little more harshly than she intended.  She and Jason hadn't even kissed and at this point were little more than friends, although she hoped that after tonight they would consider themselves officially dating

    "Oh sorry," O'Connor said, sounding slightly embarrassed.  "I was just wondering."

     "Baby Girl, look at you!" Williams' voice was coming from the passageway that separated the head from the berthing area.  "Step out here where we can all see you!" 

     Tabitha took one last glance in the mirror.  Satisfied with the way she looked, she stepped out into the passageway and in front of a row of stand-up lockers.  As soon as she did, she heard a series of gasps.  Williams was there, along with six other girls.  Each of the girls looked stunned as they stared at Tabitha.  Williams was holding a disposable camera in her hand.  

     "Baby Girl, you know I have to get some pictures of you looking like that.  Stand there sideways and just look at me." 

     Tabitha enjoyed and disliked the attention she was getting all at the same time.  Her friend wanted to take some snapshots of her and how could she turn her down? She did as Williams commanded and tried to pose the way she had seen models do in magazines.  As she was posing, she could hear various comments coming from the girls: "she looks like a movie star on her way to the Academy Awards," "she is so pretty," and "she is gonna turn some heads." 

     After Williams was finished taking pictures, she stepped forward and gave Tabitha a hug.  "I'm so glad I was able to talk you into buying that dress.  It's perfect for you.  Have a good time tonight, baby girl.  You deserve it." 

     Tabitha hugged her friend back.  "Thank you, I'm glad I bought the dress too and that you were with me."  She then stepped back into the head to grab her makeup bag and hairbrush.  O'Connor was still sitting in the chair, now listening to Barnett, who was standing in front of a stall talking with a grave expression on her face.  She looked over when Tabitha walked in.  

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