Chapter 17

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Tabitha heaved a frustrated sigh as she pushed water with a push broom along the flight deck and wondered if this day was ever going to end. It was 1800 on Tuesday evening and, other than two half hour chow breaks, the whole division had been working nonstop. They'd been warned by Petty Officer Marple at quarters on Monday morning that the ship's boatswain had been looking around and felt that the division's spaces needed to be brought "up to par." He'd told them to expect to work some long hours. To her utter disappointment, Tabitha had been assigned to Petty Officer Fletcher's work group for the day. The one thing that brought her solace was that O'Connor and Reid were part of the group as well. She glanced a couple of feet ahead, where Reid was diligently pushing her broom. The girl was still quiet, but every now and then she would smile at Tabitha, her eyes kind, her friendliness and support palpable.

Tabitha's expression grew worried as she looked over to where O'Connor was working. The girl had been unusually distant for the past couple of weeks. As far as Tabitha could tell, she'd been that way with everybody. There was something else she had noticed. Every time Garwood and Fletcher were near O'Connor, they became giggly and started making weird noises. Sometimes it sounded as though they were mocking someone breathing heavy. She wondered if that was at least part of the reason for her friend's recent melancholy mood but she hadn't talked to her about it yet.

She continued working as she allowed her gaze to drift down to the pier below. She felt a pang of jealousy toward the crew members of other divisions dressed in civilian clothes going out on liberty. There wasn't a cloud in the sunny Toulon sky, much like the evening last week when she and Jason went out and bought the items for Jason's little brother. Tabitha had enjoyed the shopping, speaking to the locals in their language, and eating at the restaurant on the waterfront. The highlight of the evening, though, was when Jason had confessed that he loved her. But what did that really mean? She hadn't seen him much since that night, but she wondered how things would be when they went out again. Would he want to make love to her? He loved her, after all. Wasn't that what people who loved each other did?

Tabitha's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of laughter. She turned her head sideways and from the corner of her eye she saw Fletcher, Garwood, and Marple standing on the edge of the flight deck. Garwood was talking and the other two were laughing so hard their shoulders shook. They were looking in O'Connor's direction.

Tabitha could plainly see that O'Connor was on the verge of tears. She told herself that she would try to talk to her after work was done for the day.

They kept working for more than an hour. Then, just after 1900, Marple approached them and told them to knock off, but warned that tomorrow would be another long day.

Tabitha turned, hoping to find O'Connor, but the girl was already gone. She took her broom to the nearest gear locker and made her way down to the berthing area; surely she would find her friend there.

Groans and complaints filled the stuffy berthing, as women were complaining about the long work hours. Evidently second division had worked late as well. Tabitha looked around and didn't see O'Connor anywhere. She went into the head and found Williams standing outside one of the stalls. She cast a concerned look in Tabitha's direction.

"O'Connor is in there crying," she explained, pointing at the stall. "Do you have any idea what that's about?"

"All I know is that Garwood, Fletcher, and Marple seemed to be making fun of her while we were working today on the flight deck. I think that has something to do with it."

Tabitha watched as Williams approached the stall and gently tapped on the door. "O'Connor honey, it's Williams and Sherfey out here. Whatever it is, we'll help you through it. Please come out, darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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