Part 2 - Texting

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* Please note *

Y/N - Your Name

Your sitting at home debating whether to give Olly a text or not. A number of things cross your mind. Are you really the girl in that song.. 'One of these days'...the one that Olly will REALLY love..

You sit there sipping a warm brew with your hands wrapped around the mug, contemplating the pros and cons of your decision. If you do text Olly, it could be the start, a start of a new relationship but you have that feeling that you are not worthy enough for him, does he do this to every girl he sees? 

You sit up, and grab your phone. Right it's now or never you think. Might as well give it a shot right? You start typing away, it seems a lot easier than you thought. 

Hi Olly, its Y/N from earlier on today? Was just wondering whether you would still like to meet up for that coffee? I know you're a busy guy and all, no worries if you have changed your mind. x

You press the send button, its gone, too late to take it back. You sit there holding your brew again, sipping gently as the heat warms your insides. You ponder, its been five minutes. Maybe he is not interested, was it a spur of the moment that he gave you his number? or does he really like you.

Your phone lights up, its Olly.

Hello Y/N , sorry my phone totally died just as I read your text. Had to grab my phone charger quick, didn't want to seem rude! Anyway, of course I haven't changed my mind, your eyes are not the kind to forget...

You blush

...About  the coffee, I am free tomorrow at 12 if you want to meet up then? How about that coffee shop down in the village we met today, they do a great bacon butty! Love Olly x

You quickly reply with a confirmation. 

You spend all night sending texts back and forth with Olly, oblivious to the outside world. It feels like you are your own planet and Olly is your gravitational pull. He is the reason for everything in your life, from your birth, it was written in the stars that you would come together.

Olly sends cheeky texts complementing you and says that he cannot wait to get to know you. 

No guy has ever treated you like this before, you knew that Olly was different from all those other blokes you dated, the ones who were up for a good time and then dropped you when they felt like it. Olly was a right charmer, and you know he may be the one....

I hope you like it! 

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