Part 1 - Your Eyes

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* Please note*

Y/N = Your Name

Olly Murs Imagine: One Of These Days

Part 1

The sun glistens on the icy ground underfoot as you walk down the street in a hasty manner.

You have your iPod in, playing Olly's new album and it never fails to make you smile. As you turn to go around the street corner you notice a slight breeze building up against you so you have to bow your head and stride as you walk. Your glossy locks blowing into your face, obscuring your vision. 

Suddenly you bump into a figure, the force almost pushing you over. A hand reaches down to catch yours before you fall. The gentle figure pulls you up without hesitation. 

"Oh I am so sorry!, are you ok?" His voice hums. It sounds oddly familiar,  you've heard it before.

You brush your hair to one side and gaze up at the mysterious figure. Your eyes focus on the handsome features: deep bluey-green eyes, a cheeky grin curved on his lips and his hair hidden underneath a brown trilby.  It was Olly Murs.

"Oh...Urm...yes I am fine...thanks" You reply sheepishly, letting Olly help you up. He gazes in your eyes for a moment, holding the conversation, and your cheeks start to blush.

" Well...may I have stunning eyes" he winks and gives a cheeky smile.

You let out a nervous giggle, shyly looking back into his eyes. You then build up the courage to say something.

"Urm..Olly right?" He nods "Well I'm Y/N" You shake his hand, passing greetings. Its then at that moment, when you move slightly closer, that Olly notices his album blaring out from your headphones, dangling from your neck.

"Enjoying the new album eh!?" Olly asks lifting up one headphone, starting to listen. You nod in agreement.

"Ahhh 'What a Buzz'... one of my favourites!" he starts doing a funky jigg to the song and you react with a giggle.

"Im so sorry Y/N, I've got to dash! Meeting in 5 minutes...urm...well..." Olly breaks mid sentence, pulling a sweet wrapper from his pocket and begins to write something on it. 

"Here's my number...give me a text later on? Maybe we could go for a coffee at some point, if you fancy it?" He passes you his number as you stand in shock.

"Urm, of course!, that'll be great!" You reply, you feel your hands starting to shake.

"Great!, Lovely meeting you, chat later?" Olly asks, moving in for a hug.

"Yes sure, don't be late for your meeting!" You exclaim playfully, as Olly dashes off, looking back and waving.

You place your headphones back into your ears and continue your journey. You are amazed at what just happened, it was like someting out of a fairy tale, things that only happen in movies. A light smile appears on your face as you take his number between your fingers and notice that he had drawn some cartoon eyes, purposely to represent your own. He was such a charmer, but the way he looked at you, made you feel weak inside, like there was a connection between you that you could tell was going to grow stronger. 

The song now playing on your iPod is 'One of these days', you listen closely to the lyrics: 'One of these days, I'm gunna find someone to love' and you think to yourself, right down, in your heart.

That  'someone'...could be you.

I hope you enjoyed it!

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