Part 13 - Departure

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The sun was rising in the fresh morning of London. The golden orange sky was reflecting off the river Thames as the life of London arose. You and Olly were lying next to each other snuggled in bed, your bodies wrapped in a velvet throw. Olly had his warm arm wrapped around your body, like he was protecting you even in his deep sleep, something he did every night. It was like he was scared of letting you go or you getting hurt, you were too precious to him.

You wiggled from his arms trying your hardest not to wake him as you got up off the bed. He rolled over but he was still in a deep sleep, you were relieved. He looked so peaceful and tranquil, you would feel so guilty if you woke him. Besides, you were leaving in an hours time and you didn't like seeing him upset, so the more he slept, the less time he would be sad. You grabbed a gown and a towel and you went into the bathroom to have a shower. You were very down that today you were leaving and you won't be able to see Olly for a month or so. You accepted that it was his job and you knew that your relationship was strong enough to withstand the long distances apart. 

Once you were finished you wrapped a towel around your damp body and went back into the bedroom. Olly was still fast asleep, once again he had rolled over into a different position, sprawled out on the bed, luckily he had his briefs on otherwise the sight would have not been pretty. You began getting changed, drying your hair and applying a little make up, preparing yourself for the long journey home on the train. You glanced over at Olly once again, still asleep. You sighed. You got onto the bed and crawled to Olly's side, snuggling close into his neck. He groaned, the dampness of your hair must have tickled his skin. He screwed his eye's closed. You could now tell he was awake but blatantly defying to wake up. You giggled at his childish actions. 

You moved up towards Olly's face, fluttering your eyelashes on his cheek. 

"Olly!...Morning sweetie" you sang, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Mmm..." he groaned, wiping his eyes. "...what a pleasant sight to wake up to...morning darling" he returned, kissing your passionately on your lips. 

"i'm sorry to wake you sweetie...but I have to leave in half an hour..." you said quietly, looking down from Olly's face. He remained silent. I don't think he knew what to say. He was broken, distraught that you were going to be apart for a month. He simply just cradled your face between his hands and laid a soft kiss on your lips. A delicate kiss. It was like he exerted all the love he had into one kiss, just for you. He met your gaze and his eyes began to brighten from the previous solemness. 

"I have an idea!..bare with" Olly exclaimed excitedly, jumping out of bed grabbing his phone and heading into the living room. He left you feeling very confused. He spent about 10 minutes on the phone but you didn't know who with and what it was about. The time was ticking and you were really getting anxious about leaving, you just wanted to see him properly before you left but he was taking so long on the phone. You got up off the bed and walked into the living room, shyly peaking around the door.

"Olly..." you whispered. He stopped mid sentence as if he was talking about something very secretive that you shouldn't know about.

"yes babe?"

"I've got to go soon..."

"Oh so is that all ok then?...thank you so much bye...." he hung up the phone and smiled warmly so you went to join him on the sofa that he was lounging on.

"so...what was that about?" you asked inquisitively, cuddling his bare torso. 

"oh nothing...." Olly said under his breathe "all in due course my dear". He winked at you, leaving you feeling very puzzled. You didn't bother questioning him anymore as you just wanted to spend time with him before you left. You literally spent the remaining time left cuddling on the sofa, watching a bit of TV, just content to be in each other's presence. Olly seemed very much more happier now he had taken the phone call. It was like he had totally forgotten about you not seeing each other for weeks. It really puzzled you and you couldn't quite understand it.

It was coming up to half seven so you got your belongings together and Olly helped you carry them downstairs in the lift. You stayed close to his side, cherishing every single moment you had left with him as soon it will be gone. He wheeled your suitcase out into the lobby where you both found Mia waiting patiently for you both. You immediately went up to her and hugged her, she could tell you were finding saying goodbye hard, so she comforted you. Olly quickly whispered something into Mia's ear making her smile, you found his actions very mysterious and you desperately wanted to know what was going on. Olly called you all a taxi and you got in to get to the train station, the whole time Olly cuddled you close. 

You reached the train station and you made your way inside, Olly wheeling both of yours and Mia's luggage like a true gentleman. You reached the platform but you were 10 minutes early. You wrapped your arms around Olly's waist and you laid your head on his shoulder. You had remained silent since the hotel, you were literally too upset to even talk. 

"darlin...early on, on the phone I was arranging something..." Olly began whispering into your ear.


"I have arranged for you to fly out to America to visit me on tour for a few days!"

You lifted your head up and looked into Olly's beaming eyes. 

"oh my god Olly!! seriously?!" You said excitedly, jumping into his arms.

"yes my love...and...I believe it's my birthday on one of the days, so we can spend it together"

"wow...I can't believe you!...I thought something was going on, you know I don't like being spoilt Ols...but as it's your birthday I'll make it extra special" you said before passionately kissing him on the lips. 

"Happy birthday!" you said into the kiss. Olly's hands supporting your legs as you wrapped them around his waist. 

Mia giggled at you both embracing in the middle of the platform just like a romantic movie. Luckily it was fairly secluded so no one recognised Olly. Olly let you down, kissing you softly on the top of your head.

"I had to contact Sarah earlier on to arrange the flights so that was who I was on the phone to..."

"I see! wow...I still can't believe it, you're amazing Ol" You cuddled around his waist, gazing up at his beautiful features. 

"anything for you my we will see each other in two or so weeks time...early than expected eh?" 

"yes! it's going to be incredible, our first little holiday together" you cooed.

Your train pulled into the station meaning it was your time to say goodbye. 

"I will miss you darlin.." Olly whispered into your ear as you cuddled.

"I will miss you too...thank you for everything. This weekend has been perfect and am so lucky to have such an amazing, sweet, god dam sexy boyfriend like you" you replied emotionally, lightly kissing Olly on the lips.

"I love you" he whispered, his thumb sweetly rubbing your cheek.

"I love you too" Olly gave you one final longing kiss on the lips before you joined Mia boarding the train. You sat down closest to the window just by where Olly was standing, Mia was sat right next to you. The train doors closed and the train slowly left the station. You both waved and blew kisses at each other as the distance between you gradually grew further and further apart. 

To be continued...

I have decided that I will carry on with this imagine as so many of you lovely people like it so much, which is amazing and I love you all so much! It means so much to me, honestly! :')

Soppy-ness over...please vote, follow and comment below! :)



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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