Chapter 2

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It's gotten to the point, now, that Jenny can't wait for the end of each day to see what note is left in her locker. However, the end of the school week is here and she'd have to wait for Monday to come around again.

Currently, she is sitting in study hall, pondering over who the mystery guy could be. She has the four notes from earlier this week and keeps staring at them. There's only one left for her to uncover this week and she's curious as to what it may say. Looking through all the notes, she organized them by the order she received them then looked them over once more.

Tuesday's note said this:

I wanna see you smile :)

Jenny can remember that it rained Tuesday. Her socks had gotten soaked along with her shoes, homework was chewed up by her dog, Oreo, before she left that morning, and it was just an overall gloomy day for her. Then, she got the note and it's like the words were infectious because she did, in fact, smile.

Wednesday's note said this:

My mind's a total blank, but I just can't forget about you...

This one little sentence made her cheeks burn a rosy color that day, she could feel it.

Thursday's note said this:

When you're around me, I feel the heat...

She couldn't fathom someone feeling like that over her, but now that she's looking at the note now, a day later, and actually grasping what was said - rather written - left a little bit of a clue. The unknown note writer had to be around her sometime during the school day. Although, it wasn't someone she knew well enough, because Thursday afternoon, she was thinking and realized she didn't recognize the handwriting.

"Maybe he passes me in the hallways," she murmured to herself before the bell rang, signaling the end of class and, more importantly, the end of the day. Dropping all thoughts, she quickly packed up her belongings and left the classroom. As she moved swiftly down the hall, Jordan came up beside her.

"Hey," Jordan said, dragging out the 'e'. "How was the last half of your day?" If you can't figure that out, they saw each other at lunch.

Jenny groaned. "Filled with anxiety and anxiousness. I'm ready to find out what today's note says, but I really wanna know who's been writing them."

Then Jordan thought for a second while they climbed up the stairs. "Why don't you come over tonight? We can try and narrow down the guys that might have written the notes."

"Yeah. Sounds good." Jenny nodded her head as they came up to their lockers, spinning the locks. Right as both lockers opened, the expected note fluttered out.

I can't let you pass me by...

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