Chapter 4

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Within the Lynch household, in Riker's room, he and Ross - his younger brother - were discussing a very important topic: girls. Ross had to be sure his brother wouldn't spill any secrets that would all be revealed in good time.

"Bro, I understand that you like Jenny and she's best friends with Jordan. I promise I won't tell Jordan anything about you putting notes in Jenny's locker. They're going to figure it out eventually though," Riker assured him. He knew how much honesty was necessary for a relationship, but this was something that dealt with his brother's love life. It was obvious that he couldn't tell anyone.

The two of them glanced out of the window, which had a diagonal view into Jordan's room. Her curtains were halfway drawn to the side, but they could still see inside. Both girls were in bean bags, looking at a computer, and by the looks of it, they were narrowing down the list of guys.

"They work fast," Ross stated as he continued staring into the room. He was mainly staring at Jenny. Even with her back turned to him, she was still beautiful.


Jordan and Jenny were looking at the notes, comparing the handwriting on them to their memories of other guys' handwriting.

"It can't be Alec Mainer, his handwriting is too messy..." Jenny confirmed. An 'X' was automatically placed next to his name. This had to be the tenth or so time the two girls read through the list. It looked like they were down to about 480 names now. Even though it was still a lot, it was a small dent in how many they started with.

Names that were no longer possible were now being erased from the list, freeing up some space and making it look less cluttered. They both sat there, staring at the screen with the extremely long list.

"What do we use to narrow it down now?" Jenny asked.

Jordan thought for a moment. "Let's look at the letters and see if there's anything else we can get out of them." She was handed the notes and began to read them out loud. "There's no one else like you - one of a kind. I wanna see you smile. My mind's a total blank, but I just can't forget about you. When you're around me, I feel the heat. I can't let you pass me by."

Both girls sat there, thinking of what other clues could be gathered from what was displayed in front of them. Neither one came up with anything.

"Maybe it's something like poetry," Jordan suggested while looking towards her friend.

"Yeah, maybe... Well it doesn't look like we're gonna get much more information out of these. I guess we'll just have to wait until next week and see what those notes give us clues to." Jenny was baffled at this point. Sure, it's only been a week since these notes started appearing in her locker but she would still like to know who was leaving them.

With all of the time the girls spent on going through the list, the sun had already made its way through the stages of a sunset and the time was close to 10:30. Both girls decided they would get into their pajamas then go to bed. Staring at a computer screen of just black and white was a little hard on the eyes.


Around nine o'clock, Jenny woke up to use the bathroom. She tiptoed across the hardwood floor, which had a tendency to creak a bit, hoping not to wake her still-sleeping best friend. When she exited through the door, she tiptoed a bit faster down to the end of the hall.

Just after she had left the room, something had hit Jordan's window a few times. That caused her to stir and finally get up from the warmth of her bed, regrettably. When she made it to her window, she lifted it and poked her head out cautiously, afraid that whatever was hitting the window might sneak an attack.

"Hey there," a voice called out. She turned her head in that direction to find her boyfriend resting his arms on the base of his window sill.

"You woke me up," she responded. All he did was smirk.

"I can see that. Nice PJs." He winked and then Jordan looked down to realize she was still in a pair of Snoopy shorts and a matching tank top with her hair still a mess from sleeping. Shaking her head, she raked her hand through her hair.

"Now that you've commented on my pajamas, what was so important that you couldn't have texted me about?"

Grinning, he answered her question. "You wanna come over and watch band practice?"

Just as she was going to say yes, there was an abrupt stop. "Can I bring Jenn?" Riker's face faltered some, knowing that Ross used some of their song lyrics in Jenny's notes, but nodded anyway. "We'll be right over."


I got a little Rikan in there too ;) Trust me though Jenn, it's all to set up the next chapter.

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