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"Nice one, James!"
Sirius exclaimed,

Bellatrix casted a spell, hitting Sirius.


Remus held Harry back as Sirius leaned back, mist surrounding him.

I latched on his sleeve, trying to stop him from falling through the veil.

I laid him down on the ground,





Everyone was casting spells left and right.

Death eaters being thrown around like rag dolls.

Luna pointed her wand towards the man, making him fly back.

Remus was unarmed, his wand flying away.

I've been tempted to cast Crucio but I've managed to hold it back.


Everything was wrong. Everything went wrong.

Everyone fighting off the death eaters with Sirius on the verge of death as Harry had run off somewhere.

We had managed to get the children out before something worse had happened.

Voldemort is back.

"Dora, calm down.. He'll be okay."

I huddled up with Tonks. Worried about as Sirius was in another room.

He had a faint heartbeat. Coratrine had said if he fell through the veil, he would've died.

We were blessed by the heavens as Eddy's mum was a healer. A strong one at that.

"He'll be unconscious for a few days. Maybe a few weeks, but that's the best I can do... I'm sorry,"
She went out, looking around us.

We thanked her for her service.

Remus had been the most distraught. Seeing his best friend almost die in front of him was horrifying.

Tonks had done her best to comfort him, but nothing was working.

"You have a go at him. He's not budging."
Tonks sighed,

I went up the stairs, finding Remus hunched over. Hands covering his face.

"He's alive, you know.."

"I know but he almost died. The veil was right there..!"
He took a breath as I sat down beside him.

"I thought I'd lost him.. Sirius, my only friend.."

"Are we not your friends..?"
I tried to humor the situation, but it didn't work.

"It's... Hard to explain. Sirius was there when no one else was. And when he went to Azkaban, I was alone."
He paused, looking at me.

"Then I met you, and Harry and Tonks.. And I found out a lot in a span of just a few days..."
I rubbed his back, staying silent.

"It's a miracle he survived.."
Smiling at me, he caressed my cheek.

I'd wanted to kiss him, but it wasn't the right time.

Closing in on eachother, I stopped myself.

"Sorry.. You're emotionally distraught, Remus."

He kept distance, nodding his head.

"Yeah, sorry.. I just.."
He sighed,

"Thank you, Ella."

"No problem, Remus."

I stood up, patting his shoulder before I left to go home.

Sorry I haven't updated for days now, my exams are nearing and I'm also slowly losing motivation and ideas for this story.

I am also writing another fanfic so I'm a little burned out.

Sorry this chapter is shorter than my usual, I'll be updating more normal chapters after my exams.

Or maybe next week if I'm not procrastinating by then.

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