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"Were you there when the Death eaters attacked?"
Sirius asked, giving me the paper he just read.

"No, thankfully. Though, Cedric was. He wrote me about it, saying that Harry and his friends were there--"

"Harry was there?!"
He yelled out, walking back and forth.

"Merlin, Sirius! Keep your voice down. Someone ought to hear us--"

"Oh wait, Harry wrote me a letter about that... Must've forgot."

I groaned after hearing a knock on our door.

Panicking, I was, Sirius morphed back into a dog as I opened the door.

"Yes, Bozo?"
He looked around, trying to peek in as I discreetly block him from seeing anything.

"Is someone else here..?"

"No, no no... Just me and Siri-- the dog!"
He narrowed his eyes,

"Yes, the black dog from yesterday.."
He left shortly after, shutting the door behind him.

It'd been a few days since we've arrived. Rita insisted we'd wait until the Champions had been chosen, which is fine by me.

I went down to the pub, greeting Madam Rosmerta.

"Ella?! What are you doing 'ere?"

"I'm here for work, Rose. I'd been given luck to be back here again!"
She grinned, giving me fire whiskey.

"Hope you still can hold your alcohol."
I thanked her, sipping it slowly.

A few minutes. A merely few minutes have passed and yelling from drunken old men had started getting more loud and aggressive.

Yelling along the lines of mangy and a mutt..

A mutt?

A mutt?!

I simply had hoped and prayed that it wouldn't be who I suspected it to be,

"Who's dog is that?!"

"Get that mutt outta here!"
A man had stomped on the ground, creaking the wooden boards.

The dog growled at him, then stopped.

A black dog had rested its paws on my leg. Setting my drink down, I groaned and whispered for him to go away.

"Sirius..! You're gonna get me in trouble. Shoo!"
He started barking, wagging his tail.

"Oh shush!"
Giving him some food, he quickly stopped making noise.

Sitting down beside me, moving his head towards the door.

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