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I've been running like a dog, hounding the latest scoop for Rita Skeeter.

She exaggerates her reports, I know. But she's popular enough and she's willing to help me.

Currently, I am her apprentice.

Wherever she goes, I tail behind her.

I'm thrilled to be a journalist, my dream job having come true.

Rita isn't that bad as a person.

She's nice, but is very passionate about her works.

Why am I under her wing? She took me in the second Daily Prophet accepted me. I've no choice.

Of course, when given the chance, I'd run away. She's enchantingly nasty, you could say.

"Ella dear, I really liked your report about Sirius Black. Was he really spotted in muggle areas?"

"Yes, I've gotten photographs if you wish to see."

She took the cards out of my hands, humming quietly.

My reports won't be published until they say so, Rita says this is just like a trial whether I'd be good as a journalist.

She's very encouraging.

"You're very good, dear. I can't wait for your first ever public report."
Grinning, she pushed me down the chair and sat in front of me.

"Now dear, have you heard of the Triwizard Tournament?"

"Yes, but it hasn't been reinstated for years..!"
She wagged her finger, smiling excitedly.

"You see, the Minister has approved to bring it back and the three Wizarding schools in Europe will partake!"

"And I want you to be with me."

Believe it or not, I've got my own house! I'd visit my parents during the weekends,

After I graduated, I moved out at the same time my dad reconnected with us.

Though it's nice having a father figure around, I'd have to get used to it.

"Hey mum, dad,"
Greeting them, I kissed their cheeks.

"Oh, Ella..! How was it? Working with that Rita Skeeter?"
Mum asked, I chuckled as my dad looked confused.

"It was okay, she's invited me to come with her to Hogwarts again."

"Hogwarts? The school, right?"

"Yes, dad. There's this Tournament she'd want to write about, especially now that it's been reinstated,"

Dad asked why it's been banned, a simple Tournament, he said.

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