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"Professor, I'd like to ask if I'm exempt from punishment of going out after curfew?"
His hooked nose faced me, looking like I just asked the most stupid question.

I sighed with relief.

He had asked me to help him transfer some Potions equipment from the classroom to his office.

Carrying some cauldrons and ingredients for him.

The paintings snores echoed, sleeping soundly as we moved in the dark.

Just as we were about to turn a corner, I felt something go over my foot.

Shrieking, I dropped all the things in my hand.

I could hear the disappointment in his sigh afterwards.

"S-sorry Professor, a rat had just..."
I shivered with disgust, standing up after picking the items again.

"Do be more careful, Ms. Bryce. Damage it and you'll be getting something worse than detention."

I nodded, apologizing again as we continued to walk.

For a split second, I thought I had just seen Harry.

But he disappeared, until Professor Snape emitted light.

Revealing the young boy,


Harry looked startled, 

"What are you doing wandering the corridors at night?"

"I was sleepwalking."
He answered quick,

Furrowing my eyebrows,

I didn't know he sleepwalks..?

"Extraordinary like your father, you are, Potter."
He spat out,

"He, too was exceedingly arrogant. Strutting about the castle."


I bit my lip shut, nodding my head.

Harry looked over at me, then back to the man in front.
"My dad didn't strut. And nor do I."

"Now, if you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you could lower your wand."
He mused, and Professor Snape did so.

Deciding this was unnecessary and Harry should be sent back to his room immediately, I tried to steer Professor Snape off.

"Professor, if you don't mind--"

"Turn out your pockets."

I huffed, what was I expecting? He'd definitely ignore me just to make Harry suffer.

Repeating what he said, Harry took out a 'spare bit of parchment.'

I know it isn't ordinary parchment paper, Professor Snape seemed to think so as well.

"Reveal your secrets."
Pointing at the paper, words started forming.

✓Darling, I love you | Professor R.J LupinWhere stories live. Discover now