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The second task begins.

I had to row the boat all by myself, making my arms sore.

Sirius covered his ears with all my complaining,
"You're very lucky.."

I grumbled and mumbled and finally arrived to the stands.

Weirdly, Professor Moody helped me on and pet Sirius.

I could hear him growl and quickly pushing me away.
"Padds, calm down..! He was just petting you,"
He didn't stop growling.

The four champions lined up as Professor Dumbledore started his speech.

The cannon shot as each of them jumped in the Black lake.

Harry struggled for a bit,

"Oh my God! I've killed Harry Potter!"
I heard a kid exclaimed,

Assuming he helped Harry and wrongfully assumed he died.

There's been chatter about the mer-people in the Black lake.

Fleur came up to the surface, forced to retire. She won't be able to do the task,

She was shivering and talking about sirens and her sister. People wrapped her in towels, warming her up.

Cedric came up with Cho, swimming to the surface. I helped them get on the stands, using a warming charm on them.

"You guys okay?"
I asked, wrapping Cho in a towel,

"Yes, thank you Ella."

"No problem, Cho."
They stood close to eachother as Viktor surfaced with Hermione.

His shark head turning back to a human, Durmstrang students cheered for Krum.

Sirius was getting antsy, getting worried for Harry as he hasn't come up yet.

Ron and Fleur's sister surfaced instead.
A moment after, Harry ascended.

Freezing cold, Fleur thanked the two boys who helped her.

Professor Dumbledore announced the results. Cedric had won first place with Harry second, everyone cheered with howls and barking overlapping.

Cedric caught up to me,

"Hello, Siren..."
Petting Siren, he smiled up at me.

"Thanks for helping us back there.."

"No problem, Cedric. We're friends after all."
I noticed him talking to a girl before running to me, teasing her about something.

"Someone's got a crush on Granger and not just Krum."
He mused,

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